
408 22 13

Hey y'all, so I just lost just about everyone who was ever important to me and I'm pretty sure my best friend, one of the few I didn't manage to lose, secretly hates me (along with everyone else) but I'll try to keep this going <3

Not like anyone reads this anyway XD

I: *loses game and throws phone down* Ugh! Ree.

HK: Ree?

I: Ree!

HK: What's ree?

I: When you're happy you go ree. When you're sad you go ree. When you're angry you go ree. When you're confuzzled you go ree. When you're scared you go ree.

HK: When you feel a strong emotion you go ree?

I: Pretty much.

HK: Ree!

I: What are you feeling?

HK: Love.

I: *blush* Ree.

HK: Are you feeling love?

I: No.

HK: Ree...

I: Frustration. Embarrassment.

HK: Sadness

I: ...

HK: ...

I: Ree...

HK: ?

I: Guilt...

HK: Ree!

I: ?

HK: Forgiveness! Love!

I: Is the first one even an emotion?

HK: If it wasn't, it is now!

I: Ree...

HK: Looooooooove?

I: ...

HK: Loooooooooooove? ♡

I: ...


I: *nods, blushing*

HK: Yaaaaaaaaaay!!!!!!♡!♡!!!

I: Reeeeeeeeeeee...

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