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Big oof

Anyway this is based off of when I went with Roomba_King to her parents' friends' house and messed around with their son, trying to trick his friends into thinking we were being haunted.

None of our attempts worked

Anywho here ya go. We've got another surprise guest star today!

HK: *calls Ice*

I: *answers*

HK: Iceland, I know what we're gonna do today!

I: Build a giant contraption in your backyard?

HK: ... No? What gave you that idea?

I: ... Never mind. What are we gonna do?

HK: Can you come over?

I: Uh, sure.

HK: Do you need to ask your brother first?

I: Nah, he's off practicing magic or something with his friends.

HK: Heh heh, perfect.


HK: Icey! This is my sister Taiwan! She's gonna help us with what we're doing!

T: Hello!

I: Hi... Um, what are we gonna do?

HK: *grins evilly* The two of us are gonna call your brother and make it seem like we're being haunted by a ghost.

T: I'm the ghost!

I: I dunno, Nor takes that stuff kinda seriously...

HK: What, pranks? It'll be hilarious when he falls for it!

I: No, I mean gh-

HK: C'mon Icey, please? It'll be fun!

T: Yeah! I mastered my scary laugh!

I: ... Fine. But if we get in trouble later, it's your guys' fault.


I: *calls Nor and puts him on speaker*

N: *answers* Ice, you never call, is something wrong?

I: *makes voice sound really frantic* Nor, I- I- oh my god...

N: Iceland, what happened. Where are you.

I: Hong and I, we were messing with a ouija board, we didn't think it was real-

T: *slams a door really loudly*

HK: *gives a fake sob*

I: Oh my god...

T: *maniacal laughter*


I: *whispers to Hong* I think we should stop...

HK: *nods and drops the act* Norway, it's just a pr-

N: *hangs up abruptly*

HK & I: *look at each other*

N: *busts through Hong's front door* ICELAND!

I: *jumps* Wha! Nor!

N: *runs to Ice and grips his shoulders* Are you okay? Where's the spirit? And the ouija board?

I: *looks down guiltily*

HK: We're fine. We were just pranking you. Didn't realize you'd take it so... seriously... *trails off after watching Nor's expression change*

N: *wearing a face that's even more blank than usual* You... were pranking me.

I: Wait! It's my fault. I should've explained before we started that you were gonna react like this. I'm sorry.

HK: It's my fault too. It was my idea.

T: *sneaks off without anyone noticing*

N: *expression softens* It's okay. I can understand why you'd want to pull a prank, but I was really worried for your guys' safety. Please don't do this again.

I: We won't.

HK: Promise.

N: *pulls them both into a hug*

I: *hugs Nor and whispers to Hong* He believes in ghosts

HK: *whispers back* Well that would've been nice to know

I: Hey, I tried to tell you-

N: I can hear you. And ghosts are real. They eat the souls of frightened children

HK & I: ...

If you were wondering how Norway got there, he magically teleported

(*whisper* I'm still single)

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