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Sorry y'all's it's late but it's here

I was relatively uninspired but I gots you your Christmas gift

No refunds


HK & I: *on a walk in the snow*

HK: Hm...

I: Hm?

HK: ...

I: ...

HK: *nibbles on his bare fingers*

I: Are you okay?

HK: Hm? *looks at Ice*

I: What's wrong?

HK: Oh. *looks forward* You're too cute in those earmuffs.

I: *blush* I know that's not it.

HK: Geh...

I: Are you nervous?

HK: ... You got me.

I: Why though?

HK: ... I don't know what to get you for Christmas.

I: Oh. Then ask Finland for help.


I: *shruggg*

HK: *sigh* Okay.

I: But don't bite your fingers. You'll hurt yourself...

HK: But it's a habit!

I: Just... *looks away, blushing more* H... Hold my hand instead... every time you get nervous...

HK: ...

I: ...

HK: *tackles Ice into the snow, glimmering anime tears gushing from his eyes* ICEYYYYYYYYYYY

I: Gyah! Get off me; it's cold! FUUUUUUUUUUUU-


I: *smacks Hong and takes gift from him* I can't believe you remember that-

HK: Ow T-T

I: Hmph...

HK: So Icey-

I: No.

HK: What am I supposed to do when you get nervous?

I: No.

HK: *whiiine* Icey!

I: ...

HK: *runs a hand through Ice's hair* Do you...

I: .....

HK: *gently caresses Ice's cheek* ... really...

I: ..............

HK: *pulls Ice close by the waist* ... want me to do nothing when you're nervous?

I: *bites lip*

HK: Ah! Don't bite your lip! You'll hurt yourself! Looks like I'll have to kiss you every time you get nervo-


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