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This is literally the embodiment of cringe

Why are people reading this

Someone tell me plz

HK: Hey Ice.

I: Hm?

HK: Why do you love me?

I: I don't know.

HK: ...

I: ...

HK: Come on, just tell me.

I: I really don't know.

HK: There's gotta be something.

I: ...

HK: I know there's something!

I: Well... um...

HK: Just tell me!

I: Uh... you're really sweet and kinda hot... and... errr... I don't fricking know!

HK: Haha!

I: Shut up.

HK: Nope.

I: Then tell me why you love me.

HK: Well, you're also really sweet and hot.

I: I'm not sweet and hot. I'm sour and cold. And come up with something original!

HK: But it was original... Fine, uh... you're nice and also really really cute!


HK: Hahaha! You're also funny.

I: Grr.

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