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I: Ummm... hey, Hong...

HK: Hm?

I: I-I made this for you... *gives Hong a piece of paper*

HK: *looks at it*

Piece of paper: *very detailed drawing of a panda made with careful, loving strokes of a pencil*

HK: OMG IT'S SO CUTE THANK YOUUUUU I have to go now bye *gone*

I: *blink*



I: Yes?

HK: I made this for you! *hands Ice a piece of paper*

I: *dreads what might be on it*

HK: Go on, look, look!

I: *looks*

Piece of paper: *bunch of scribbles drawn in the basic outline of a bird, but made just as lovingly as Ice's*

I: Uhhhhhhhhhhh...

HK: It's a puffin!

I: I... I see...

HK: ^-^

I: ●-●

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