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Recently I took King_Of_Ducks_Yeet to my neighborhood Japanese garden, which is one of my favorite places

I don't think she liked it as much as I do though

Oh well

HK: *covering Ice's eyes and leading him forward*

I: Are we there now?

HK: Yep! *uncovers Ice's eyes* Tada!

I: ... Huh?

HK: A Japanese garden!

I: Wow, okay.

HK: If you brought change, you can buy food to feed the koi. *points to a dispenser of koi food* I didn't bring any though...

I: Let's do it. *digs up a few coins and gets some koi food*

HK & I: *walk into the garden and stand on a bridge over a bunch of koi*

I: Here, we can share. *holds out koi food, offering for Hong to take some*

HK: Well, okay, but since you paid I'll take like, a few. *takes two pieces*

HK & I: *feed the koi and watch them eat*

I: I'm gonna throw in all of my last pieces. What do you think?

HK: Do it!

I: *tosses them in*


I: *smiles* Yah, I saw it.

HK: *starts to lead Ice around by the hand* We should've recorded it! Then we'd have it on film!


HK: And that's the whole place!

I: What do you think happens to the koi in the winter?

HK: I dunno. Maybe they're left to die... and then new ones are brought in or something when it's warm enough.

I: Hm...

HK: Anyway! Now we play hide-and-seek!

I: What? Come on, you know I suck at that game...

HK: Pleeeeaaaase?

I: Ugh, fine. *covers eyes and starts counting*

HK: *runs off and hides in a bush*

I: *stops at thirty and starts wandering around*

HK: *tries to watch Ice*

I: *soon gives up and watches the koi swim around*

HK: *waits a little then pulls out his phone and texts Ice, "Keep searching you wimp"*

I: *receives the text and replies with, "You can see me? Fine then"*

HK: *tucks phone away*

I: *looks around and starts to wander again*

HK: *holds back snickers when Ice goes right by his bush*

I: Ugh...

HK: *comes out of the bush, having decided to scare Ice*

I: Where the fridge is he...?

HK: *grabs Ice's shoulders* BOO!

I: *no reaction*

HK: *disappointed* Norway's really rubbing off on you...

I: Yes, unfortunately. *turns around* Found you.

HK & I: *walk around more, enjoying each other's company*

HK: By the way, I was in that bush. *points to it*

I: Seriously?!

Yes we fed koi. Yes two of them kissed while eating food. Yes I freaked. Hahahahaha

Good times

... I wonder how many of y'all's actually read my author's notes.

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