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HK: *drags Ice into a hair salon place thingy*

I: Why are we here?

HK: You're getting your hair dyed!

I: WHAT? No no no.

HK: I never said all of your hair! Now come on!

I: Wait!

HK: It's just about your turn!

I: I never agreed to this!


I: *goes over to Hong with crossed arms and a blush*

HK: *looks at Ice* OH MY-

I: *now has a thicc stripe of purple in his bangs*

HK: I love it! You couldn't have made a better choice!

I: A better choice would've been not to dye it.

HK: *huggles Ice* Oh hush. You're soooooo cute!

I: You always say that.

HK: Because it's always true!

I: Then why did I need to dye my hair?

HK: ... I dunno.

I: ...

HK: ...

I: I actually kinda like it...


I: Shut up.

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