
376 23 10

HK: *peeks over Ice's shoulder* Whatcha doin'?

I: Making a friendship bracelet.

HK: Pffffffffffffffft!

I: *blush* W-what?

HK: I didn't know you had friends!

I: ...

HK: Ohhhhhhhhhh...

I: ...

HK: I'm sorry, babe... *huggles Ice*

I: You get the D.

HK: *smirks and raises an eyebrow* Oh?

I: Disappointment.

HK: Well darn.

I: You perv! I'm still mad.

HK: But I'm sawwwwwwwwwy!

I: Hmph. And I was gonna call it a lover's bracelet or something since it was actually for you.

HK: *goes and comes back with an armful of licorice* Please forgive me!

I: *eyes widen* I REVOKE MY D; LET IT BE NO MORE

HK: *bursts out laughing*

I: YOU PERV! *takes the licorice and storms outta there*

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