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Hello I am alive

Yay Valentine's Day

I'm still single

HK: Hi.

N: Hi?

HK: I need your help.

N: Maybe.

HK: Icey and I had a bet to see which of us could outgay the other tomorrow.

N: Why tomorrow?

HK: ... Tomorrow's Valentine's Day?

N: ... Fudge-

HK: So please help me!

N: ... Alright, but only because you make Ice happy.

HK: I usually make him salty, but okay.

{The next day}

HK: Okay, I admit your gift was pretty good. How did you know to lure me off with a path of chocolates?

I: I didn't.

HK: "Mirror, mirror, in the lake, which of us gay shall take the cake"? You are so funny sometimes~

I: *blush* My mind said it and my mouth copied it before I could say no. Also, pushing me in was mean.

HK: I'm sawwy... but the underwater kiss was nice!

I: Um, no. I could feel the fish watching us. Now shut up while I change. *walks into bedroom*

HK: *smirk* I win.


Ice's room: *lol I'm gay, check out all my rainbow glitter*

The bed: *come crush the rainbow rose petals I'm covered in*

Chocolate on Ice's bedside table: *I'm rainbow too*

Everything: *gay gay gay gay gay gay gay*

I: What-

HK: *standing outside the door* If I remember correctly, the bet was to see who could outgay the other. I have made everything currently in your room gay, including you, so I win!

I: ... How long will it be like this?

HK: ... Until Norway's magic wears off.

I: Cheater!

HK: Hey! We never made a rule against it!

I: Hmph...

HK: Now come, Icey. The bed awaits.

So guess what they did

Ew no keep it PG

By the way the loser of the bet had to wear a maid dress for 24 hours

Y'all's know who lost

... Way to keep it PG

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