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Based on a conversation I had with That_One_Ace_Shipper

I promise we're not crazy


HK: Hey Ice, I just thought of something crazy.

I: Is this another conspiracy theory?

HK: Well-

I: Then I don't wanna hear it.

HK: No, just hear me out! What if the universe is made up of layers of hell? And this is one of them?

I: Then... we're dead?

HK: And when people die they move to another layer.

I: Then if they were good people they move up a layer and down if they were bad.

HK: But what if they ran out of layers?

I: Then maybe there's an infinite amount?

HK: Oh my god

I: What?

HK: There are 42 layers of hell

I: Oh my god

HK: Like, woah

I: So then if there are 42, then the top layer must be the most heaven-like, and the bottom must be most hell-like.

HK: We must be in the uppermost layer then.

I: Why's that?

HK: Cuz you're an angel-

I: -.- Even if that's true, there's no guarantee that this is the top layer. I could just be preparing myself to move up.

HK: Oh my god Iceland

I: What?

HK: The universe is held together by the fourth wall, and now that we've become self-aware it's all going to crumble

I: Oh my gosh we're all going to die

HK & I: *start to freak out*

F: *pops up* Are you done theorizing?

HK & I: *stop and look at each other*

HK: If no one believes us...

I: ... then the fourth wall should remain stable!

HK & I: *start rejoicing*

F: Did you guys get into my secret stash?

I: *looks at him* Secret stash? Of what?

F: Noooooooothing! *slowly disappears*

HK & I: *look at each other*

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