#47: Nyo!HongIce (cuz why not)

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Everyone's being salty at me today for some reason ¡~¡

I mean like I know I can be annoying but jeez

Anyway, here you go

I: Are you done yet?

HK: Nope~

I: Ugh... the only reason I'm letting you do my hair is cuz it feels nice.

HK: Mhm. I have lovely hands. *finishes a braid by the right side of Ice's face*

I: -.- Shut up.

HK: Haha! You know it's true though. *weaves the hair on the other side of Ice's face through a ponytail holder (aka hair band) multiple times, creating a tassel*

I: Grawr.

HK: So cute. *styles the rest of Ice's hair up into a flawless bun*

I: Am not.

HK: Whatever, I finished. Wanna go on a walk and see how many guys hoot at us out their car windows?

I: *sigh* Sure, why not.


HK: And that makes three cars and one pedestrian.

I: I think it's gonna rain.

HK: Rain?

I: *looks up at the sky, shutting eyes* I have accepted my fate.

HK: *moves closer to Ice so they can share Hong's stylish jacket*

I: Screw you and your high heels and expensive jackets.

HK: No rain shall touch my girlfriend today! >.<

I: -.-

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