#44: Texts

353 18 2

HK: Hey Ice

I: Go to sleep

HK: I have a question

I: I swear if it's anything like that one with trees raking human skins off lawns then I will never look at any of your texts again.

HK: Nonono!!!! It's a legit 1, promise!

I: Fine.

HK: Which is more corrupted: My heart or my soul?

I: Technically your heart since hearts can be misled

HK: ;-;

HK: You're supposed to say I can't choose cuz I have neither

I: Oh

I: Well


I: If you didn't have a heart you wouldn't be able to love me.

HK: True... and if I didn't have a soul?

I: ...

I: Idk

HK: Lol

I: ._.

HK: Mkay bai

I: Mkay bai

HK: Never say that again.

I: Got it

HongIce ShortsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora