Day Four: Shopping! Don't tell Delilah!

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~Rose's POV~

"Do we really have to bring her? It'll take all day!" Niall complained as we walked to Del and Lou's flat.

"Same for Louis! He takes forever when it comes to shopping! And yes we do Delilah is my best friend and yours too." I replied as we knocked on the door.

"True, I love 'em." He said, but we heard from the inside.....barking? And then Harry opened the door?

"Hey guys! Come in!" Harry swung the door open wider. We walked in and saw Del and Lou playing with a puppy. It was a little golden retriever that could fit in their hands.

"You guys! Harry got a puppy! Her name is Chedva!" Delilah cheered as we all came in and sat down.

"Chedva?" Niall laughed.

"Louis named it." He said ponting at the stripe-clad boy who was laughing.

"There was a koala at the zoo named Chedva! So I thougt it was a god name for a puppy." He stuck his bottom lip out.

"Babe that makes NO sense, but okay." Lilah said, pecking his cheek. He instantly smiled at her and she grinned back.

"So why did you get a puppy O-Curly-One?" I asked, as it ran over to me and Niall. He scooped it up and it fit into both of us who were cuddled together. She was so soft and tiny and she kept trying to lick inside Nialls nose.

"I got lonely at home alone and the shelter didn't have any cats. The babies can grow up with her too I guess it could be good for her to learn how to act around people too." He said, getting her from Ni's nose and putting the leash on.

"Zayn should be here any-" Del was cut off by Zayn walking in the door.

"Chedva!" He shouted and we shot him confused looks.

"I was there when he picked out the puppy, then texted Lou for a name when we drove to my house." Zayn said and we all nodded.

"So today we're going shopping! In the most random costume you can find GO Niall said. He and I ran back next door (all of our flats are in a row) to find something. I grabbed a hamburger outfit that you used to see people wear standing outside of restirants, the big plastic ones.

"You look delicious." Niall laughed comig back out. He had on a Mexican costume. We ran back next door and everyone but Del and Lou were ready. Somethin was blowing another thing up upstairs because the machine is loud.

"Nice costume Zayn." Niall laughed, he was dressed up as Harry and had a long curly WOMAN wig on that went down to mid back.

"Yeah, REAL amusing." Harry said sarcastically. Harry was dressed up as a hippie from the sixties.


"LOUIS YOU IDIOT!" I heard as they tumbled down the stairs. We ran around the corner and saw them on a heap on the floor, wearing fat suits. They were ginormous. They had on Gina grey tees and sweatpants over the suit. We all burst out laughing.

"Leggo!" Niall shouted, as we ran out the door.


"That lady's face was priceless when I walked out of the dressing room in a tight dress without the suit on!" Delilah laughed from the back seat of the car.

"You looked amazing either way." I heard Louis whisper into her ear, making her blush. Harry gagged and I aww'ed.

"At least no fans recognized us!" Zayn said, going through his shopping bags.

"Although one did come close with Louis and Delilah not having anything to cover their faces. She probably thought she was going mental!" Niall chuckled from beside me. I twirled the bracelet around my wrist that Niall just got for me.


"Where to?" I laughed as we skipped down the outside path.

"Here!" He shouted, pulling me into the shop. I looked around at all the blue boxes with a white bow on them. We were in Tiffany's.

"Niall no way, this is too much." He said, pulling me to the bracelet section. I gasped at them and one caught my eye. He noticed.

"Yes sir, I would like this one here please." He told the counter man.

"Niall you don't have too." I smiled as the man wrapped it into the neat box.

"I want too. I'll be right back, I wanna see something real quick, you wait for your bracelet." Niall said before running off. He returned a few minutes later, something in his pocket. I didn't question it as it was his biddyness, not mine. And yes I said biddyness. He payed the man and we left the store hand in hand. I couldn't help but wonder, what was in his pocket?

A Rose Is Delicate (Sequel to Hey There Delilah [Louis Tomlinson Love Story])Where stories live. Discover now