Day Three: The...Beach?

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~Rose's POV~

"Ugh! How long does it take for 185 pairs of shoes to arrive?" Delilah said, munching on her cereal.

"Babe, you just ordered them yesterday, it takes awhile, especially with that amount." Louis replied giving her a peck on the cheek. She smiled and munched away.

"So, what is our phenomiNIALL plan for the day hun?" I asked Niall. Everyone was here except for Liam and Danielle with the two babies. So today we all were using spoons since he wasn't here.

"We're going to the beach!" He said, grinning with a mouth full of bacon. Del want eating pig for awhile because she saw the cutest photo of a baby pig and made her feel terrible for eating it. So Lou wasnt eating it too to support her, cutest couple right there.

"Are you an idiot? It's like 50 degrees! It's the middle of Spring!" Lilah said, making us all laugh.

"That's what makes it fun!" He pouted and she rolled her eyes playfully and nodded. We all went upstairs to change.

"Rose?" I heard Delilah call

"Yupp?" I asked, walking into the guest room she and Louis shared. I could hear him in the shower.

"Pink or green?" She asked, holding up two neon bikinis.

"Definately the pink." I replied, pointing at it. It goes well with her skin and hair.

"Oh here's one for you!" She chuckled, tossing me a dark blue bikini with pink flowers on it with green leaves. It was really pretty.

"It's for you to keep." She winked.

"Seriously?" I asked, my mouth open.

"Because no one in Ohio will be as sexy as you in that, not even me if I went to Ohio." She said, both of us laughing.

"Thanks babbs." I said.

"Yupp bubbs." She replied and we both laughed at our old inside joke.

"AHHHH!" I screamed, and Delilah started laughing. Louis just walked out naked.

"Sorry I thought it was just Del in here!" He said, chuckling

"So you still walk out NAKED?!" I shouted. A hand removed mine from my eyes for me to see a fully clothed Louis, well a swim trunk-clathed Louis that is. Yupp that'll be a fun story to tell the people in Ohio, 'you'll never believe who walked in naked on me!' Yeah, totally.


"LET'S GO TO THE BEACH-EACH LETS GO GET AWAY!" Harry and Zayn screached from the back. On stage they sound like angels, but like dying Narwhals in a car.

"STARSHIPS! WERE MEANT TO FLYYYYY!" Del and Lou joined in, just as loud.

"Shaddup!" I said, usin an old man voice, making Niall chuckle from the drivers seat.

"We're here!" He called, turning off the car.

"Let's play Chicken!" Zayn called as we ran into the water.

"N-Niall it's f-free-zing-g!" I shivered and he chuckled nodding. I climbed on his shoulders to play chicken, Harry climes on Zayns, but then Louis climbed on Delilahs.

"What the hell Louis?" Harry called over.

"I could ask that same question! Your butt is massive and yet a hell of a lot heavier than it looks!" Delilah fumbled with words, as Louis' ass squished her face in.

"READY? STEADY? NO!" Louis shouted an old joke from find the phone, meaning for us to start. Niall ran over and started shoving with Del and Zayn, while I fought off Harry and Louis.

"MY HAIR!" Zayn shouted, as I victoriously shoved off Harry which sent him down too.

"Come on Delilah! You push like I girl!" Niall shouted from under me.

"What's your excuse?!" She shouted back, making me and Lou laugh. He stunned for a minute and she used that to knock him down. We plunged into he freezing water and I quickly submerged.

"Good job babe!" Louis said, and started making out with Delilah.

"Let's get some food!" I said, pecking Niall on the lips.

"Yeah, because they're already eating eachothers faces." Harry said, following us along with Zayn. We laughed the entire way to the food shack.


We were all in the car and Zayn decided to drive. Delilah and Lou fell asleep on eachother all cuddly like little koalas so I snapped a photo and posted it to twitter. It got over 2000 reposts after a few seconds.

"Go to sleep love, it's a long ride home." Niall whispered, giving me a loving soft kiss. I laid down and dozed off on Nialls lap. I couldn't have asked for a better day.

A Rose Is Delicate (Sequel to Hey There Delilah [Louis Tomlinson Love Story])Where stories live. Discover now