Day Five: Goodbyes

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~Rose's POV~

Today was my final day and Dani, Liam, the twins, Harry, Zayn, Niall and I walked over to Delilah and Lou's flat. Except Little Dee and Rosetta. They were in a stroller. I walked in the door and gasped. There were like 50 medium-large sized boxes all around the room, and Lilah was in the middle of them giggling and grinning like a child on Christmas Day.

"What the hell?" Niall asked.

"My shoes came!" She said, before staving the first box open with scissors like a mad man.

"Ooh girl those are so cute!" Danielle laughed, running to help her.

"You know what this calls for right? Us lads will try on the shoes and have a fashion show for you girls!" Harry said, while Del practically shoveled out shoes

"Where's Louis?" I asked, noticing he wasn't here.

"At the grocery, he doesn't know they're here yet!" She laughed. I went and helped open up a box, and the first pair I saw caught my eye. They were black strappy heels with little diamond lookin jems on them.

"You like those? Hmm it's a shame I got those in fives when I'm an eight..." She said winking at me.

"Thank you!" I laughed, hugging her.

"Danielle, these just happen to be nines...." Del said, holding up a pair of nude heels. She immediately put them on.

"So I guess day five show!" Niall said, as we unloaded countless shoes.


"Work it girl!" Delilah called out as Harry strutted down in a pair of white ballet flats, much to small for him. Niall came stumbling through in my pair of heels.

"Eww, those so do NOT match yur skin tone." I said in a posh voice, rolling my eyes. Niall laughed by then fell down, taking Zayn who was behind, down with him.

"What the bloody hell?" Louis asked, walking in the door to see Ni and Zayn in a pile on he floor, and Harry strutting out in heels. Meanwhile Liam played with the kids in the kitchen, saying the kids did not need to see this.

"My shoes came!" Delilah said, running over and giving him a kiss.

"Did you get me a pair like you said you did?" He asked, wiggling his eyebrows making her laugh.

"Here!" Zayn called, chucking a pair of toms at him. The box hit him in the head sending him to the ground. Everyone burst out laughing.

"What did you-" Liam said, but cut himself off by turning around and walking away when he saw the situation.

"Cheers mate." Louis said sarcastically and standing up.

"So who wants to watch toy story?" Liam asked, coming back with the kids.

"Chest hair." Delilah said with a straight face. (Im cracking up typing this, my cousin erin says this with a straight face all the time when theres an awkward silence or just is her comeback its hilarious!) Then after a few seconds she started giggling with Louis. Couple inside joke I guess.

"Alright then..." Zayn said, laughing. I'm going to miss this so much when I'm on that plane tomorrow.

"I'm taking you out tonight, dress nicely." Niall whispered to me.

"Okay." I whispered back.

"I like to whisper too!" Harry said, quoting ELF the funniest movie ever. We started to laugh but then it got really silent.

"Chest hair." Delilah whisper screamed.


End of part one of this day/chapter/ or whatever the fuck you want to call it.

Chest hair.

A Rose Is Delicate (Sequel to Hey There Delilah [Louis Tomlinson Love Story])Where stories live. Discover now