You guys suck at quickfire

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~Rose's POV~

I'm truely impressed, they have a pool table, couch, wii, and a massive tv in here! Ooh and a mini fridge. I plopped down inbetween Niall and Harry on the couch.

"Let's play a game of quick fire!" Haz shouted at me and Niall.

"It's on bitch!" I said to Niall.

"FAVORITE COLOR!" Harry shouted.

"GREEN!" I said

"GREEN!" Niall repeated. Yay!


"KOALA!" I answered. Theyre cute, and deadly! It's awesome!

"Uhh-" Niall started

"HESITATION!" Harry interrupted. I started laughing.

"LAUGHTER!" Harry shouted, making Niall laugh.

"LAUGHTER!" He shouted again.

"God you two suck at this game!" Harry said standing up to start the wii with Liam.

"You look a lot better." Niall then said to me.

"What?!" I said, shocked. What's that supposed to mean?

"NO! Oh god- that came out wrong! I meant you look really pretty." Niall said blushing. D'aww. But I don't really want a boyfriend.

"Thanks!" I said. But like I said, I don't want a boyfriend.

"So what are you doing tonight?" He asked scooching closer.

"Nothing." I said, scooching away. This was getting uncomfortable. I'm starting to believe I only see him like a brother.

"Do you want to get some dinner with me tonight?" He asked coming closer.

"No thank you!" I said standing up. If he was closer I would have fallen off. A look of sadness washed over him, but he smiled and said," Okay!"

I then walked out of the room to go relieve Louis from girl stuff.

~Niall's POV~

Ouch. That hurt.

"Oh god that FAILED! Did you see how creeped out her face was?!" Zayn asked, laughing. I blushed and looked down. I'm not good with talking to girls that I'm falling for.

She obviously doesn't like me that way.

I need Delilah and Lou's twisted ideas of help.

A Rose Is Delicate (Sequel to Hey There Delilah [Louis Tomlinson Love Story])Where stories live. Discover now