Taeyang's POV

"Hey news is on!" Inseong yelled. "So?!" I yelled back. "oh my god.." Is the only response I got. I sighed and walked into the living room. "What's so shocking?" I asked. "You know that buidling where I rented an apartment so our new employee can work for us?" Rowoon asked. "Yes, why? Did she not turn up last night?" I asked. "No she did, but her apartment... it exploded. I think someone was after her" Rowoon explained. "Are you saying we lost another employee because she got murdered?" I asked. "We don't know if she died or not" Inseong quickly said.

"Man, how can you be so cold like that?" Chani asked. "What do you mean?" I asked him with a blank expression. "You only care about the money she gets you?!" Chani said. "Of course, that's what an employee is for" I simply said. Chani stood up and went to stand in front of me. "Have you ever thought about the fact that it's your fault she died? Or that other people got hurt because of you?" Chani asked. "What are you trying to say?" I asked him with a stern voice. "YOU'RE A MAFIA... what if one of your enemies found out she worked for you?! What if they wanted to sabotage you and kill her?" Chani asked.

I chuckled. "You find that funny?" Chani asked. "Since when do you care about that? So many people have died because of us... including you" I said. "That's different" Chani said. This whole time the others just have been quiet, listening to what we were saying. "How is that different?" I asked. "You're kidding me right? We got her that apartment, maybe someone found out we did that for her" Chani said. "I'm done with this conversation" I said and was about to walk away. "Can we at least go find out if she's alive or not?" Rowoon asked. "Fine, but that's on you guys if you want to find out" I said and walked out of the room.

"Don't get to angry with your crew now will you" My dad said. I looked up at him. "Dad, when did you?" I asked. "Oh, I was standing here for about 2 minutes, hearing you argue with Chani. Are you sure you don't want to help them find that girl?" My dad asked. "I'm positive, why should I? I'm not emotionally attached to her, I don't even know who she is" I said. "Good... you shouldn't. You should indeed leave it up to them if they want to find out" My dad said. To my surprise he thought I was right. "As a Mafia you need to not be emotionally attached to anything, especially a woman, they'll only slow you down" He said. I smile. "Of course, I know that. I'm not an idiot" I said. "You mean not an idiot anymore?" He asked. I gave him a death glare as he was laughing but as soon as he saw my expression he stopped. "You should get to work. And keep your men in tone" He said. "I will, see you" I said as he finally left.

Nabi's POV

After a day or 2 I finally got to open my eyes. When I woke up I saw a bright white light, I heard some beeping noises and there was something on my mouth. I got scared and I ripped every cord that was attached to me, off of me. I wanted to get off my bed and run but nurses and doctors heard me from the hallway and stormed into my room, holding me down on the bed. "Calm down, you're okay... you're okay" The doctor said as he grabbed the mouth thing again. I started to squirm for some reason. I don't know why I hated this and why I was afraid of it, it just seemed kind of familiar.

"Don't worry, I won't put it on you again. I need you to relax and sit up straight on your bed, can you do that?" The doctor asked. One of the nurses released her hand that was covering my mouth. But as soon as she did I started to think about Haeun, the child and the family that fell down the elevator shaft. I started to cry and scream, drowning in my own tears... when I suddenly coughed up blood and started to drown in my own blood too. "Get her up straight, now!" The doctor yelled.

The nurses got me up straight and the doctor was hitting my back, making me spit out the blood. After I was done panicking I wiped my mouth and my arm was covered in blood. I was still crying. "Doctor what is happening to me?" I asked. "I'm not quite sure. But take these... these will make it go away, try taking them everyday for 3 months. You never know" The doctor said as he handed me some pills. I took them carefully and examined them.

After I talked to the doctor for a while the police came in. "Madam we'd like to ask you a few questions if that's okay with you and your doctor" A police officer said. "That's fine with me" I said. "She's able to speak so she'll be able to answer questions, go ahead, I'll be in the hallway if something happens" The doctor said as he signed the nurses to leave with him.

One of the police officers sat down on the bed at my feet. "I need you to tell me what happened. We found out the lighter was in your microwave so you do understand that we need an explanation" The woman said. "Of course. I uhm... I'm gonna be honest but please don't tell the first part to anyone" I asked them politely. The woman looked at her colleague and then they both nodded.

"I worked at a casino a few days ago, the night before the accident happened. I got drunk and wasn't home on time for my little sister. My dad had apparently kidnapped her because I didn't give him the money in time. My boss gave me the apartment so I was close to work, but I didn't even get to sleep in it once. My dad already found out where I was and put the lighter in the microwave" I explained. "Do you have any proof for that?" She asked. "I can show you the text messages. Where is my phone?" I asked.

The woman grabbed a bag and gave it to me. "We didn't want to look into it yet since we hadn't gotten an explanation yet" she said. I bow a little to her to thank her. I then got to search the text messages and showed them to the police. "Is it okay if we keep your phone for a while?" The police asked. "Of course. Do what you need to do" I said. "Okay, well if anything comes to mind help us" she said. That's when I thought about the family in the elevator.

I started to have a panic attack again. "Get The doctor!" The police officer yelled to her colleague. The doctor rushed in, but some other people came in behind him. Once I was stabilized I could breathe again.

"Are you okay?" The doctor asked me. "Yes, I am" I said but then look passed him towards the other people. "Ah, these people wanted to talk to you. Something important" the doctor said. "That's fine. Let them ask quickly" I said. The doctor left again.

One of the men sat down on my bed and looked at me. "It's been a minute"

End chapter 3.

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