Mission #8: Poof Part 2 - ( 21 )

Start from the beginning

  No one really knew what to do. That was until Momo stepped out of the group and crouched to meet Bakugo's height. "Midoriya's in our class but to get there we're going to have to carry you. Is that ok?" She spoke softly to the blonde.

  The toddler looked at the female skeptically before slowly nodding. They were going to take him to Izuku. That's all that matters. He held his arms up on instinct and the kind teen picked him up by the armpits. All the actions he did finally caught up to him as exhaustion slowly crept up on him. He nuzzled his head into Momo's neck before promptly falling asleep.

  Momo brought a finger up to her lip to signify silence before carefully walking out the dorm. Jirou picked up the other girl's bag off the floor and followed. The rest of the class then trailed through the door and headed towards the class.

  The small child in Aizawa's arms had long since fallen asleep due to the Aizawa's body heat. The other two villains were floating above the two, a pleasent conversation being tossed back and forth between the two. The sleep-deprived man was not even surprised to see his students wall in the same direction as him. Not even when he realized that their assistant class representative, Momo, has a similar sized bundle as him in her arms. The two groups continued to make their way towards the classroom, hopefully they could figure out what the fuck was happening.

"So, what do we do?"

  The two children were huddled together, sleeping, inside of a familiar sleeping bag ; both were still dressed in oversized shirts. Most of the students were in their seats but a few were still standing in a circle around the children, hushed whispers being exchanged.

"They're children!"

"How old are they even!?"

"Bakugo swore when he was younger too?!"

  A few teachers were called in as well. Nezu and Recovery Girl was there as well, both trying to examine the children without waking them. Before long though, Izuku woke up.

  His large eyes fluttered open slowly and he let out a small yawn. The others in the room cooed at his cuteness. Izuku's face brightened when he realized who exactly was asleep next to him.


  The sudden shout of his nickname woke the blonde up. Seeing his green haired friend, he shouted his name in joy before launching himself onto the other. Laughter echoed through out the classroom and even the most stoic of people couldn't help but think that the scene was cute.

"Izuku! Guess who I f*cking met!"



  The biggest smile formed on the greenette's face. A few people shielded their eyes from how bright it actually was. The two toddlers then proceeded to gush and chatter excitedly about their favoirite hero. The amount of energy they had tired Aizawa out just by staring at them.

  With a sigh, he shifted his attention to the villains infront of him.

"So," he began, drawing the two teen's attention from the kids to him. "How did this happen?"

  Toga giggled quietly. "Um~ you see, we don't know!" She brought her arms to the side of her head, the common 'it isn't me' gesture. Dabi did the same thing and directed his gaze back to his brother, who was quietly talking to Momo. "He just erupted in a poof! Then Izu was a child!" She swung her hands around haphazardly, almost hitting Dabi several times.

  Aizawa sighed for the (what seemed like) 1000th time that day. So they had no way of knowing who did it and how to turn them back. The situation was just splendid.

"Um, escuse me mister..." Aizawa looked down to see Midoriya tugging on his pants with one hand, with the other holding the other demon child. The freckled child, seeing that the adult was looking at him, continued what he wanted to say. "Where are our mums? Are they coming soon?"
  Only one thought ran through Aizawa's head at that moment. 'Oh shit.'


If you follow me, then u guys might already know I'm planning another book. But like, most of u don't so yeah, I'm writing another one. I'm only publishing it after I finish this one so yeah.

I'm gonna put the description here, so u guys know what the books about. Because I wanna know who'll actually read it too.


Bakugo Katsuki had a group of friends before he joined UA.

A group who were all too familiar with his reckless behaviour.

Because of this, they've dubbed themselves the Bakugo Protection Squad.

Their job? Make sure Bakugo doesn't die before he becomes a hero.


Oof. Well, see you next week!


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