It was late at night and the Asgardian brothers were still training in the gym below your, Loki, Thor and Steve's rooms. So the sneaky little thing that you are, went into Loki's room, found what looks like to be his hair wax to get that slicked back look he likes on himself and you put a big amount of super glue into the hair product.

Call it childish, but if it works you get your revenge... Maybe a few laughs from the other Avengers too.

Loki arrived shortly after you hid just outside of his room, he was all flushed and sweaty from his work out with Thor and you can't help but notice the way his hair was all tousled up in all directions. You found it oddly cute and amusing-

"Fucking hell woman." You scolded yourself and waited for the God of Mischief to exit his room shouting and finding the culprit who did it to his precious hair products.

Of course it didnt take longer than 5 minutes when he burst out of his door fuming. "Which one of you did it?! My hair feels like cement!" He groaned at the slow solidification of the glue in his hair and hand.

He must've heard you snicker because he stomped immediately in your direction, you quickly shut your mouth in hopes that you were wrong.

No. You were right. He found you.

"Oh you little-"

Then you ran. But he was hot on your tail and your chances of survival just dropped to 1%.

Even though you were low key fearing for your life you were laughing like a maniac down the halls of the Avengers tower. The two of you whizzed passed Tony and Bruce in the lab, Steve in the living room, Sam in the kitchen, Wanda in the cinema- the list goes on.

He finally caught you up in the helipad up at the top of the tower where he did his Shakespearean monologue about taking over Earth.

"Ok! Ok! It was petty. I know!" You raised your hands in mock surrender.

"This is the highest level of disrespect I have received from a mortal woman! I will end you."

"You better catch me first!" And you began to run again but this time Loki wasn't blinded by fury and teleported himself right infront of you and tackled you to the ground. You struggled of course, you couldn't budge. I mean the man felt like he weighed like a ton.

"Shit man! You're like an anvil." You managed to breath out. He flipped you over and now he was straddling you.

"Say it." He trapped your arms right infront you.

"Say what?"



"Apologize." He then placed both of your trapped hands above your head. His face dangerously close to yours.

"No means no."

He leaned in further so that his lips were next to your ear, "Say you're sorry, and all of this is forgiven." You felt his hot breath near your ear and you nearly shuddered.

"I'm sorry." You finally said. Loki looked at you with mischief in his eyes.

"Now was that so hard?" Loki taunted with an evil smirk before unexpectedly crashing his lips onto yours.


That was 5 years ago.

Now it's your 1 year anniversary as a married couple.

The two of you were sitting on the couch of your joint apartment at the Avengers compound. Thor and Loki did find a place for New Asgard to prosper, but he chose to stay with you. Even if it meant tolerating the other Avengers. He wouldn't admit it but he did find some of them pleasing.

You looked up at him, remembering every little thing the two of you went through.

"What?" Loki asked as he looked down at you.

"Just remembered something."

"Tell me." He softly cooed.

"Our first kiss," Loki smiled at this. "You know, if you hadn't kissed me, I would've done it." You smiled.

"Looking at it now, I admit, that was pretty hilarious," He paused to side eye you. "A bitch to clean though." You laughed at this then sighed contently.

This was your life now. Happy in the arms of the trickster God. You wouldn't have asked for anything more.



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