Maternity leave

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This baby's crack.

-Callie Torres

Three days after, Emily was back home. Mark, fresh from the wedding, came into her hospital room and she turned off the TV to look at him.

"You look really good in that suit," she whispered and he laughed, kissing her nose. He took the flower out from his lapel and offered it to her. Giggling, she took it and pretended to take a whiff, finding it flavoured with his cologne.

"When I get you that wedding I promised you, I'll look even better," he promised.

"A wedding?" she asked, arching her eyebrows. Mark pulled away to pick up their son from the bed in her room as she sat up in bed.

"Eventually. When we have time, when you want to."

"How about when I get my fellowship? As a celebration?"

"You get your fellowship, we get a wedding. Sounds like a plan." Laughing, she pulled him in for another kiss before he could persuade her to drive her back home.

He helped her into their apartment and she slowly carried their son into the bedroom where a crib that wasn't previously there now stood. Mark took Everett, tapping his back as he gently jiggled him in his arms. Letting out a gentle warble, Everett gazed up at his father as Emily sat on her bed. Lying down, she let out a sigh.

"Twelve weeks of no work. I can't believe this," she said, repeating what Connie had said to her earlier. "Starting my fifth year late is not ideal." Sighing, she turned her head to look at Mark who sat down.

"You'll catch up," he soothed. "You can start on your boards early. We'll be study buddies." Smirking, she tugged his shirt down so she could kiss him, propping herself up on her elbows. Looking into the bundle in one of his arms, she breathed in Everett's scent.

"He's perfect, isn't he?" she whispered and he nodded, kissing her forehead. "Yeah, you are, baby," she cooed and Everett's eyes fixed on her face for a moment before falling away. His chubby face had his tongue poking out between his lips and she sighed, nose pressing against his cheek,

"God, I love you. I can't even say that enough," he whispered and she smiled, heat rushing to her cheeks. After all these years - four years - Mark still had the ability to make her blush. Everett yawned, eyes closing tight and Mark made a whimpering sound. "Somebody's tired," he murmured and he stood, placing his son into their crib.

"We should get a bigger place," she said, turning onto her stomach and crawling farther up the bed. Mark turned around, eyebrows raised. He glanced at their now sleeping child before back at his wife. "Everett can't stay in our room forever and we're married now, Mark."

"Really? I mean..." She laughed at his insecurity and beamed up at him.


"Then I'll start looking for a house!" Chuckling, he climbed up the bed and kissed her deeply. Smiling against his lips, she touched his cheek and pressed their foreheads together.


"Hey, what's that?" Derek peered over his shoulder as Mark scanned through the listings for houses in the newspaper. "What - Emily already kick you out?"

"No. She wants to move into a bigger house." Mark explained and Derek made a sound of surprise. "Since Everett's gonna need his own room, she wants an actual house."

"Huh. Well, we could build one." Derek teased and he rolled his eyes.

"That's your thing, Shep, and as romantic as it is, I highly doubt Em would care. You're doing it for yourself."

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