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Each of you comes here today hopeful. Wanting in on the game.

She should not have gotten drunk at that mixer. Nope. She shouldn't. A pounding headache made her off balance as Emily reached for aspirin. Gulping it down with water, she shoved her toast into her mouth. Grabbing her keys, she ran to her car, slamming the door closed as soon as she got in. Her older brother always told her life was a game, fun and unpredictable like a pair of dice. But she was only seven. He never told her about the losing bits. Like right now, with a banging hangover. As the green light turned red, she slowed, grabbing the elastic from around her wrist and tying it into a messy ponytail.

But she couldn't deny the excitement. Today, she was going to work at a hospital. A real hospital, with real bodies. She was giddy in her car seat, hands clenched around the wheel. When she finally pulled into the hospital parking, she took a last look at her reflection.

A month ago you were being taught by doctors. Today, you are the doctors.

She bit on the granola bar. Scrunching up the wrapper, she sighed at the gooey chocolate. Throwing it away, she grabbed the white coat. It felt strange, the fabric cold around her shoulders. And her scrubs, light blue and thin. She patted down her pockets, filling one with a notepad and a pen, another with a spare granola bar.

The seven years you spend as a residency will be the best and worst of your life. You will be pushed to the breaking point.

She drank the last sip of her coffee. Frowning, she looked down at her cup. She would need more. Way more. Emily released her hair from its messy ponytail.

Look around you. Say hello to your competition.

"Hey," She slammed her locker closed, wrapping her stethoscope around her neck. She smiled. She could get used to this. Her fingers trailed the stitching. Seattle Grace. The blonde next to her looked up from where she shrugged on her lab coat. The Asian woman looked over as well.

"Hey," The blonde replied. "You're Emily, right? Only six females out of twenty,"

"Right. Meredith?" The blonde nodded, lips quirking up a bit as she adjusted her scrubs.

"I heard one of them is a model,"

"You're Cristina, right?" But she didn't reply as a male voice called out for interns.

"Which resident you get assigned to? I got Bailey," She informed, tying her hair back. Emily twisted her hair into the bun as she sighed.

"Same." The brunette grinned as Meredith leaned against the lockers.

"The Nazi? Me too,"

"You got the Nazi? So did I?" A male's voice made them turn their heads to a brunet who closed his locker. His attention seems to focus on Meredith as he recited her mixer outfit. Her smile grew as he concluded they thought he was gay. As Cristina left with a disbelieving 'mhm', Emily saw Meredith's grin appear. She heard her name called, leaving the two alone until she saw Meredith leave George hanging.

Eight of you will switch to an easier specialty, five of you will crack under the pressure, two of you will be asked to leave

Emily adjusted her head against the window, sitting on the sill. One knee bent up, she rested her chin on the raised knee. Her fingers played with her shoelaces as George sat beside her. They didn't say anything until she spoke.

"Bad day?"

"The worst,"

It was silent after that. Meredith found them, sitting next to her. Crossing her legs, the blonde slid her eyes closed for one second, opening them. George's eyes slid to her form before focusing on the pavement. The green-eyed woman sat silent for a few more minutes. "I wish I wanted to be a chef. Or a ski instructor or a kindergarten teacher."

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