Mark Sloan

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"It's nearly one. Why are you still here?" Joe asked, a hint of worry in his tone. Emily glanced around the near-empty bar. Just a bunch of people who had no home, wasting their time in a dank corner of the bar.

"Uh, yeah. It's been a rough week," she offered as an excuse, twirling the last sliver of brandy in her cup. Downing the last of the golden liquid, she signalled for another round. "Vodka tonic. Let's spice it up a bit, Joe."

"Keys, then drink."

"Joe, come on. I've only been drinking a bit," the brunette teased, handing over her car keys. He took them before pouring a glass quickly. "Thanks, anyhow." She drained the shot glass easily as the bell above the door chimed, signalling that a new patron had arrived.

"Is this seat taken?" a husky voice asked. It was hoarse with sleep and deep, and honest to god sent chills down her spine. Raising an eyebrow at the person beside her, she shook her head with a chuckle.

"It is now," she commented dryly, taking in his features quickly although she knew that being drunk distorted their facial features to be more appealing to the drunk person's view. Still, this guy was something of a sculpture. He was absolutely magnetic. "Joe-" She waved the brunet who stopped in front of her- "I am drunk. I am also a doctor, and know that being drunk means I see people more handsome than they really are. So tell me, Joe," she said his name languidly, "is the man next to me, indeed, incredibly hot?"

"I'd totally go for him," Joe confirmed jokingly, "but I'm taken so he's all yours,"

"All mine? Who said I was buying?" she replied teasingly as another shot was placed in front of her. "I didn't want another one!" she called after the bar owner's retreating figure.

"But I want you to have another one," the man murmured and she complied, sending an easy smile. "Mark." He offered a hand to shake but she ignored it, slamming the shot glass down after it emptied.

"Do I need to know your name?" she asked as if it was not needed, a nagging feeling building up in her core as she sneaked glances at him again. He was just so familiar...

"I think you do, seeing as you'll be moaning it later," he shot back dirtily. Shaking her head, she chuckled at that cheesy line. "No?"

"No. Didn't work." He pouted and she found it rather adorable. Obviously undaunted, his smile doesn't fade as they continued on in silence.

"Where do you work?" she asked suddenly, the silence unnerving her.

"Between gigs. Came out here to visit,"

"Confounded by rain?"

"Read my mind." He nodded, sending a cocky smirk her way. "It's cold and gives me a headache. What I wouldn't give to stay in a warm bed."

"Not even five minutes in and already talking about bed, are we?" Rolling her eyes, she nursed her drink.

"Well, you look like you'd be fantastic company."

"That's very sweet of you," she drawled sarcastically and he chuckled, tipping back his scotch.

"How about you?" When she hummed in confusion, he explained, "What do you do?"

"Surgical intern."

"So, you're a fetus." Scowling playfully, Emily narrowed her eye at him, sizing him up. "I shouldn't even be talking to jailbait like you."

"Yeah, call the police." She rolled her eyes. "How about you?"


"Is it really all boob jobs and giving people like huge asses?"

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