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When I was a kid, I was big into mythology. The tales of Gods and Goddesses, heroes and villains, love and hope. There's a certain tragedy to every story. I mean, the guy gets the girl and then she dies and he loses her again for looking back when taking her out of the underworld. The prophecy is fulfilled but you killed your dad. You cheat death and you're punished by the Gods. You push that boulder again and again, up that stupid hill only to see it roll down again. It makes you think, how stupid it all is. To argue, to fight, to try to escape the inescapable. But maybe that's what makes us human.

-Emily Moore

"I have a deadline now?" Emily asked over the phone as Noah let out a sound of agreement.

"Yeah. Harper doesn't know if he should save that spot for you anymore. Maybe by the end of the week?" The sister sighed heavily and she paced back and forth.

"I'll try." Pulling the phone away from her ear, she hung up and tossed her phone onto the bed.

"Noah gave me a deadline by the end of the week," Emily informed tentatively as they entered the elevator. Mark paused.

"Are you going?"

"It's something we should talk about for real now. I don't want to move without you," she answered honestly, taking a gentle hold of his fingers. They got on the elevator and she jabbed the button for the ground floor. "But I'm not sure. I don't want to leave Seattle and my friends."

"I think you should." He was adamant. "I can find work anywhere and you're a great person. They'll love you." She looked away, tracing patterns in the floor with her shoe.

"I know... but Derek and Callie are here. They're your best friends and... Alex, and Meredith, and George? The others? How can I just leave them?" She frowned as he gazed at her.

"Look, I get it. They're your best friends but you can always talk to them. You aren't seriously considering not going because of your friends?" he asked, incredulous. "This is Mass Gen we're talking about," he told her softly and she scowled as the elevator doors opened. "Do you want to go?"

"Yeah, but-"

"Then it's easy. We go," he said it simply and she felt irritated that he didn't see it how she saw it. They grabbed a pair of latex gloves each and continued onward towards the trauma room.

"It isn't that simple," she replied, keeping her voice level with effort. "There are more things to consider. We don't know for sure that this job you'll get will be as good as the one here. Besides, your family is here."

"So?" he played it off, "I can always make new friends."

"Not ones like Callie and Derek." She argued and he was about to reply when they finally reached the room. "We'll talk about this later." They met up with Derek and the brunette sent a pointed glare in Derek's direction when he heard her words. They got a brief patient history as Emily immediately went to the little girl in the room. "Hey, what's your name?"


"Okay, I'm Emily. Stick close to me, okay?" She nodded as her father began screaming for his daughter.

"He's still asleep," Derek realized as they began to restrain him.

"Mr. Soltanoff, calm down!" Emily cried out, pulling his daughter close to her. George pushed against his shoulders but the man kept struggling.

"Dad, I'm right here!" she screamed as the man struggled, swinging wildly. Mark got knocked off balance ducking and it ended up socking Callie in the nose. Making sure the girl stayed put, she crouched in front of the resident.

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