Song beneath the song

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I asked her to marry me and a truck came out of nowhere.

-Arizona Robbins

"Mark." She slipped into the O.R. where Mark was just finishing up his mandibular repair. "You almost done?"

"Yeah, what do you need?" He didn't look up to see her red eyes. She had just told Aria and the woman's panicked crying wasn't out of her head yet. If he saw her red eyes, he would've stopped right then and there. He would've dropped that scalpel in his hand, words - questions - spilling out of his mouth.

"I'll wait," she said quietly, wanting to sink into the floor. Callie, thrown out a windshield. Callie, blood everywhere. Callie, bones broken. Callie, dead.

"I rocked this mandibular repair. You'd never know this guy's jaw was broken in five places. I'm something like an artist. Not Picasso, because his jaw would be on his forehead but like, uh, Chagall, Michelangelo." Chuckling, he looked up at his wife. "I'm Michelangelo. There, I'm done. What's up?" His smile fell off his face as she swallowed. "Em, what's going on?"

"Something happened to Callie."


"Someone needs to keep an eye on Mark," Derek murmured and they all looked up. Taylor met her eyes and she nodded. Her throat was tight as she let go of Callie's hand and stood.

"I'll go." She pulled her mask off her face, going out through the scrub room. She thought of the many places he would hide, the attendings lounges, the on-call rooms. Nothing. Running down the stairs, she swerved past a nurse before approaching the one behind the nurse's office in the lobby. "Have you seen Dr. Sloan?"

"He went that way." The woman pointed up the stairs and she nodded, thanking him. Going up the stairs again, she brushed past patients and workers alike. She wondered for half a second if Aria had been told what had happened as she walked past the ortho wing. Taking a deep breath, she felt her eyes drift past every door before spotting a man sitting in a stairwell. She opened the door and he looked up, eyes red and glassy. Once he realized who it was, he ducked his head once more.

"You don't have to hide from me," she whispered, sitting beside him and he leaned against her, head on her shoulder. He wiped at his tears and she took one of his hands, clasping it between her own. His left hand covered hers, rough skin brushing against hers as she rested her head on his.

"She's my best friend," he whispered, "She's my best friend."

"I know." She slipped a hand out of his insistent grasp and cupped his face. He clutched onto her like a lifeline as their foreheads pressed against each other. Her eyes began to sting as he closed his, swallowing harshly. Holding his head to her, she raised her chin so he tucked underneath. Her hand combed through his hair as he continued to cry into her scrub shirt. Emily felt her heart wilt with every sob that racked his body, and the cries she wanted to let escape caught in her throat.


A page disrupted her from her post near Callie's bedside. Arizona and Mark were arguing in the background as she found the 911 from Aria. Shooting up, she silenced the pager and pulled open the glass door.

Mark and Arizona both shut up as she met their eyes.

"It's Aria," she breathed before sprinting away. Running as fast as she could up to the ortho wing, she swung around the corner and into Aria's room where she was writhing on her bed. Dr. Fields was already there, monitoring decels. Blood stained the pillows and she felt her heart drop into her gut.

"What's wrong? What is it?"

"Her cerclage stitches broke because she went to go after her sister and ended up straining herself. Contractions have started and her weakened cervix is just making everything worse, and I-" Lucy Fields glanced up from where she was sitting, worry etched onto her face.

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