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How do you explain to two of your friends why you were kissing an attending who was famed for cheating with the head of OB/GYN.

The answer? You just try your hardest and fail spectacularly.

"It was a deal."

"Well, whatever it is, you should get in on it more."

Emily wanted to cut her ears off. Unfortunately, doing so would mean she could not be a surgeon so she did not. She just made sure they swore to secrecy but when Meredith eyed her the first next morning with a smirk, she knew that Cristina let the dog out. Whatever. As long as the attendings didn't figure out.


"What's going on?" Cristina asked as the two spotted George nearly yelling at their other friends. As the brunet stormed past them, Emily tried to grab her shoulder but he shrugged her off sharply.

"Baby boy is freaking out," Alex told them as the infuriated intern stormed down the hall.

"She can see that," Izzie snapped.

"I can see that," Cristina agreed.

"Why is he freaking out?" the three women chorused.

"George!" Emily called after him, walking faster but Meredith was faster, pleading to talk. He whipped around, a frustrated expression across her face. Spitting words in the blonde's face, he threw open the door, stomping down the stairs. As they followed after him, Meredith agreed.

"Okay, you're right! But can we just talk now?"

"You want to talk now because you told everyone that we had sex!" he yelled, exasperated. Reeling back, she nearly bumped into Alex as they all froze on the steps. Eyes widening, this time her head did brush the other male intern's scrub shirt.

Three variations of "You had sex with George?" left their mouths in exclaims causing George to whip around, surprised.

"You didn't tell them?"

"No," Meredith sighed heavily, a hand to her temple. Letting out a curse, he started down the stairs again until the squeak of shoes caused them to watch as George's body thumped against the steps. As they cried out in fear, he let out a groan of pain. They stared as he writhed in pain, clutching his left side before they finally came to their senses. Izzie slapped Alex for laughing, an offended expression across all the females' faces as the women started down the stairs. With Meredith leading the pack, the interns ran down the stairs and helped George up, gathering the dropped notepad and book.

"Are you okay?" Emily asked first, helping him up. Touching his left shoulder, she felt him wince. "George? Okay, it's a dislocated shoulder."

"Fine," he gritted out, "great." Meredith opened the door and they slowly walked him to an exam room, paging for ortho. "Get out," he demanded.

"Dude, let us see your arm first,"

"Especially you, Alex," The brunet hissed as he adjusted his grip on the table. Flinching, he let the remaining interns perform tests on him except Meredith, who stayed back, a solemn mask upon her features. "I'm fine. No headaches, no stomach aches, my shoulder's just dislocated, okay? Get out," They did, crowding around the window.

"Go away."


:Mer i need to jumpstart my car wont start:

:i cant Em im out:

:where the heck are you out i cannot get to work:

:out on some mountain trail: Emily didn't need to type a response for her friend to know she was waiting for an explanation. :with derek we're walking doc we're friends:

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