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"Your family is nice, George. Your dad is so friendly but your mom, uh, asked me about the sexual relationship between us and-"

"Just ignore her and if she offers to iron your clothes, don't - just leave. She will iron everything," George interrupted with an attempted smile. Emily closed her binder with a sympathetic look to her, offering a granola bar she kept in her pocket. "I'm just looking at his chart, I'll put it back when I'm finished."

"That's fine with me, just make sure Meredith finds it later." She placed a hand on his shoulder and squeezed. When he still didn't look up, she spoke again, "Hey, what does your dad say all the time?"

"O'Malleys are fighters," he mumbled before repeating it louder. "O'Malleys are fighters."

"Damn right. He is going to get through this," She smiled when he took her offered snack, holding onto it tightly. Nodding, he stood and placed the chart back where he found it and made his way to his father's room. Emily sorely hoped her words were to be true.


The door opened and she started awake, staring blearily at the outline. Mark was standing there, trying to close the door as softly as he could as light streamed into the dark on-call room.

"Mark?" she mumbled hoarsely and he glanced over once the door clicked close. Reaching blindly for the light on the nightstand, she flipped the switch as he dove onto the bed next to her.

"Sorry. Didn't know you were in here." Resting her hand on his back to make sure he was actually here, she rolled onto her side, crossing her arms as he turned his head to look at her.

"What're you doing here?"

"What are you doing here?" he retorted, reaching for the switch and turning off the light. The room plunged into darkness.

"I just finished scrubbing in on a craniotomy with Shepherd. On his service for this week," she mumbled and he sighed, eyes closed. He turned onto his side to face her, scooting closer and she bent her arms, hands below her chin. He took one, sighing again.

"Are you okay?"

"Let's just stay in the quiet for a while," he whispered and dark eyes searched ever darker eyes. In the blackness of the room, they could see each other's silhouettes and that was enough. She used her free hand to touch his face, to feel his deep frown and then nodded.



When she woke up, he was still there. Nudging him awake, she smiled but wrinkled her nose at his morning breath.

"Morning," she murmured as he pushed himself up. "Oh, god, what time is it?"

"Almost midnight."

"What? Oh, god, my sleep schedule is completely screwed up. I thought I need sleep and then I go and only get two hours?" she exclaimed, rolling onto her back. He managed a hoarse chuckle, leaning over and kissing the spot before her ear. Eyes widening, she turned her head to stare at him. He seemed just as shocked at what she was.


"No, it's... no, it's fine," she said and he smiled slightly. There was something tired about the edges and she mimicked the smile. "Why do you look so sad?"

"Just tired," he replied and she sighed, climbing over him and slipping on his shoes. Mark turned to watch her go and she spared him a glance. "Wanna go back to the Archfield? Get some sleep on a decent bed?"

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