Welcome to the family

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You think that true love is the only thing that crush your heart. The thing that will take your life and light it out. Or destroy it. Then, you become a mother.

-Meredith Grey

One week

"Baby report," she announced, coming into the room with Mark as they fistbumped Arizona. Mark turned on his phone as the blonde frowned slightly. She still wasn't on board with the whole idea with the baby but was warming up to it. Callie, however, was completely in love with the newly named Sofia Torres ever since day one.

"Arizona, you wanna go see her?" Mark offered and she looked away. His blue eyes met Emily's and they shared a silent conversation before she took Arizona's hand and lead her to the N.I.C.U. Noah was there, monitoring her stats. His family was back in Boston already but he hung back the minute he learned of the accident.

"You're going to see her," Emily said firmly. "Because whether you like it or not, this is Callie's baby already. Aria signed a direct adoption and by proxy, she's signed the papers legally." Arizona rolled her eyes, getting into the elevator. "The only reason Callie hasn't signed them is because she's waiting for you."


"Come on. Just go see,"

"Fine," she conceded. "Let's go."

Five Weeks

"Callie's okay?"

"Fine and Sofia is too. How's our baby?" Mark placed both hands on her rounded abdomen as Emily watched him. Leaning into him, she sighed and smiled against him.

"Good. Kicking a lot. And Arizona? How is she with the papers?"

"She's still on the fence but since the surgery, I think she's really considering it. She loves her." Hugging Mark close, Emily kissed his neck before pulling back. "Tired?"

"I really need to pee," she remarked and he chuckled. "Then I have to bring Aria for her new round of chemo."

"Dinner tonight, then?"

"I'm on call, so I can't." She pouted and he brushed her hair away from her face. He pecked her on the mouth before giving her another kiss and another.

"I have an idea. I'll page you when it's time," he whispered and her eyebrows knitted together, confused. "Don't worry! You'll love it."

"Sounds like a plan." Watching him, she narrowed her eyes and huffed before heading to the cafeteria.


She was paged to the roof. Wrapping her jacket around her, she narrowed her eyes against the slight wind. Sweeping her gaze around, she spotted Mark a respectable distance near the edge but where they could see the skyline of Seattle at night.

"What is this?" she asked, walking over and sitting down. It was almost like a picnic at night. There was a thermos of soup, candles, and even a slice of cake. "What? I - you made a cake?"

"Wasn't that hard," he whispered and her eyes widened when he brought out pasta. "Carbonara couldn't hurt."

"It really won't." He kissed her cheek and she laughed. The Seattle skyline were like the stars and she sighed peacefully. "This is perfect. Thank you, Mark." His eyes softened when she turned to him and he nosed her cheek, kissing the corner of her mouth.

"Anything for you, jailbait."

Twelve Weeks

The next seven weeks passed by quickly. Noah left after the surgery, saying that he had to get back to running the peds ward and that Sofia was stable. Callie was able to walk and hold her baby. Wedding planning was underway and she was leading more surgeries than she could count. The Chief Resident was her position.

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