Sticking together

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Dear Sister Mine,

Guess what, girl. I'm BACK. THAT'S RIGHT. Your favourite, ultra-great, big brother is back in Boston with his fantastic family including your nephews and my beautiful wife. New York was fun but I love Boston more than I can say.

Little Oliver's starting to babble. His older brother loved him for a bit, but now he's asking if he's actually staying and I'm like yep, he's here to stay. Will isn't happy about it at all. He's alright like right now, and he plays with Ollie, but internally, I think he plans to murder me when he grows up. For now, I think he's accepted that we can't just sell his baby brother. But onto the more important news: II figured I'd need to head back out soon. Duty does call. Regularly. On my personal cell.

But it's Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving is for family. While Ollie and Will and Theresa are my family, you're my sister. I figure I'd fly to Seattle from Boston and stay there for a day or two then head out. Theresa says it's fine and I don't really care what you say 'cause I'm your big bro' and since when have I ever cared what you said regarding these things.

Let's face it, you miss me. I'm not telling you when I get to Seattle because that'll ruin the surprise but make sure you're at the hospital near Thanksgiving otherwise I have no idea where you are.

Talk to you soon,



:ill be at Meredith's place for thanksgiving because i have friends woo:

Emily sent the text quickly as she pulled on a cashmere sweater. She threw her phone onto her bed, grabbing a set of jeggings. Once she buttoned it securely around her waist, she grabbed her device again, texting the address before running to the door. It was already 8:50 and it took at least twenty minutes to get to her friend's house - as long as there was no traffic. And because it was Thanksgiving, there was totally gonna be traffic.

"Crap," she cursed, slipping her feet unsecurely into her boots and managing an awkward run to the elevators, jabbing the button repeatedly as she struggled with her bag and jacket while she tried to zip up her boots. The elevator arrived as she scrabbled in, half-limping as she managed to zip up one of her shoes. One of her neighbors she didn't really talk to her greeted her with a strained smile as the brunette straightened up. "Hello,"

It was awkward the whole way down, and she darted out of the elevator and into the parkade as soon as the doors opened again.


She knocked on the door hesitantly, turning around when there was no answer. When she heard the door click, she slowly rotated until she was faced with a smiling blonde who pulled her into the house. "Emily! You came! Meredith went to the hospital and George had to go out with his family, but they'll be back at six."

"You're perky."

"It's Thanksgiving," The brunette followed the cheerful woman into the kitchen, sitting down at the counter. "Are you going to help me?" She asked, inspecting the turkey.

"Uh, I can cook, but I can't cook that," Emily pointed at the giant pink bird. Walking to the fridge, she pulled it open and took out a can of pop. "Turkey really isn't my thing, you know?"

"At least try, come on, try? I bake, I don't cook."

"Then let's make the mashed potatoes first or something. Wait 'til the others arrive. Besides, I know how to mash potatoes." Draining the last of the sugary drink, she stood and stood beside the blonde as she grabbed potatoes from the fridge. "Like, my mom used to make mashed potatoes every week 'cause I loved them so much. You ever make them before?" She shook her head no. "Great, let's get started. Uh, we'll need a pot, salt, butter, milk, and potatoes."

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