Her Prince and the Ball

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Emily believed all the interns thanked God that Bailey knew prom. Silver and white was a good theme. Of course, Emily's own prom was along the lines of awkwardly standing there while everyone of her friends had a date. She did, of course, have one but it was where they didn't really want to be there. Like they were friends, sure, but ones that occasionally said hi in the hallways. At least in her mind. He apparently had had a crush on her. But that was in the past, and she needed to help with the prom. Of course, George and Alex had already ordered balloons and streamers and Meredith was pondering over food and the space of where the prom was but there was also the music, the stereo system, and a DJ.

As she scrolled on the internet for the available services, she absently checked her phone. Four missed calls, one from Theresa and three from Mark. Furrowing her brow, she dialled his phone number, wondering why he was calling her. She always told him when she was on call... then it hit her. She wasn't suppose to be on call, in fact, she was just about to go to the locker room when last night happened. Sighing, she stared at the words on the computer screen, slowly blanking out.

"Look who's crawling back," a familiar voice drawled.

"I regret calling you already," She shot back, snapping out of her daze. "I regret life at the moment, actually. What's up with you that you needed to call me three times?"

"Ah, so the usual," he quipped before contemplating his answer. "Text me your address, I'll be there in a few hours."

"I'm texting you what now?" she asked in a harsh whisper, blinking hard when she realized that the computer was starting to burn her eyes. He seemed to smirk and Emily could definitely hear it in his voice.

"I know you heard me." A distant, booming voice caused a pause and the brunette could vaguely hear a flight number.

"Well, you have to prepare yourself because there's a prom," she blurted out in an attempt to dissuade him to come. Hopefully he'd think it's too childish. There was a long silence and she pulled the phone away from her ear to make sure that he was still on the line and then he finally answered.

"A prom."

"Yeah, a prom."

"Remind me to get a tux and a corsage, too. See you in a few hours, jailbait."

"Wait, what?" She asked, uncomprehendingly. Mark was coming to Seattle just in time for prom. Just in time to take her to prom. Oh, shit. The need to really take this seriously overtook her. Like she had to impress him.

This was so stupid.

"I'm coming to Seattle," he said slowly, "and now I'm taking you to prom."

"Yeah, I - but why? I don't like you!" Spotting Derek's tired expression, she quickly changed her tone.

"You love me," he sang and she let out a sound. "We're going as friends, Moore. Don't worry."

"Yes. Uhm, yeah, of course." The neurosurgeon sent her a glance as she added, "That would be fantastic, goodbye."

"What-" His confused tone was cut off as she ended the call, sliding the phone into her pocket and focusing on the screen again. Giving him a small grin, he passed by her, unsuspicious that she was talking amicably to his ex-best friend. Still, she kept her phone underneath the desk as she texted Sloan her address. When it was done, she brought the phone back up to a normal position. Sighing, she dialled her sister in law's phone number, smiling when the woman picked up, her gentle voice soothing her worries away.

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