"We are both alive and well," Zyan's voice cut in, "Now, what is the state of Archenland at present?"

"Well," the Lord started, clearly feeling uncomfortable, "The lords want you to step up as soon as possible and form alliances with everyone you can."

Turning to me, Zyan whispered, "We need to get back, tonight." I merely nodded and went off to find Rilian.

"My lord," I greeted, "I beseech your understanding in this matter, but Zyan and I are to leave at once for the court of my late father. It is time for Zyan to take his rightful place as King of Archenland."

"My understanding does not require such formal words or behavior, but you certainly have it. I hope to see you soon and that we might built a similar relationship with one another as our ancestors did before us," Rilian replied. He said farewell to my brother and we said farewell to everyone else.

Shifra came up to us last, promising, "I shall come as soon as I see Caspian one last time, then I shall see you again."

"Have you decided if you'll come and be an advisor for us?" Zyan asked.

She thought a moment, but replied, "I shall stay in Narnia, but I will visit often and give council whenever asked for it." We both nodded and departed, leaving behind us the merry cave.
Shifra's POV
Zyan and Zyanister's retreating backs disappeared into the night as I gazed after them. When the children had finally gone to sleep, I sat next to Rilian as he gazed into the fire. Laughter echoed around us and many conversations buzzed. "You ok?" I asked.

Snapping out of his daze, he turned to face me before looking back into the fire. "I have spend the last decade of my life in an underground prison. My father is on the verge of death and has yet to know that life still fills my lungs."

"Rilian, there is nothing you could have done," I whispered, "Trust me, blaming yourself does nothing."

"What have you to blame yourself for?" he retorted, "You are an app razed general and councilor."

"King Dane, Queen Swanwhite, and Prince Darr," I admired, "Before the white witch took over Narnia, the end of our golden age, she killed the entire royal family. They were my friends, Darr my godson. I had to sit there and watch as she sliced their throats, feel Darr's blood flow out of him as his body lay above me." Tears pooled in my eyes as I spoke. "He was so young. Darr had only just celebrated his eleventh year of life."

Rilian grasped my arm in comfort and silence stretched between us. After a time, most everyone had gone to sleep and silence enveloped the room apart from a few snores. "What was the end of the world like? Father always refused to speak of it. He told of the journey there, but never what happened when you got there."

The firelight danced across our faces and the soft crackling was the only sound until I replied, "Caspian refuses to speak of it because he did something he's not proud of. The seas that far out play strange tricks on your mind and he...he started thinking strangely."

"How so?" Rilian asked, poking the light to keep the flames strong.

"He decided that he was not to return and he would go to the end of the world with Reepicheep the mouse." Rilian's head darted out in shock, but I continued to glare slightly at the fire, recalling the time perfectly. "We all told him that as king he couldn't." I licked my lips before continuing, "He didn't like that. I'm sure you've heard some of your Great-Uncle Miraz, well in that moment Caspian looked so like him."

"But Miraz was cruel and a crude leader," Rilian countered, confused.

I nodded, licking my lips again. "He was, but Caspian I think felt betrayed somehow. In his mind that was what was happening, but to the rest of us it was looking like he was trying to leave his responsibilities here. Well until Lucy mentioned Lilianduil, he went on and on about it. Then he decided no one was going and we'd all return."

"But what of Reepicheep?"

I confessed, "He refused to allow him to go. Everyone was too shocked to say anything, but I stepped forward and told him he could not do this. He...he was angry with me and...he grabbed hold of my wrist and slammed me against the side of the ship." I looked to Rilian's face which was filled with shock and something of shame. "Do not think ill of your father for this, Rilian, he and I moved on from it. He was spoken to by Aslan and was told to send Reep, myself, Eustace, Edmund, and Lucy."

"Did he ever even apologize?"

"Of course he did, he's Caspian," I replied, chuckling. Breaking the silence, I asked, "Rilian, did anything else happen to you down there?"

"You mean other than only spending one hour a day as myself and being kept from my family? Thankfully no, I doubt I could have dealt with much more than that," he replied hollowly.

"Well I'm glad that you're back with us, Rilian. I may have missed your childhood, but if you'll allow me, I should like to be here during your reign." He nodded smiling.

Before another word could be uttered between us, Glimfeather flew into the cave. "Tu-whoo tu-whoo, you're majesty, an urgent message for your majesty. Your father is expected to arrive in Cair Paravel mid-morning."

"We need to be off then," I interrupted, glancing at the clock that hung on the wall of the cave. And off we went.

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