Chapter 400

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Chapter 400

A full year has gone by, Brian and Elizabeth moving into their new home. Joan moving into the guest house, Tylor and Zach getting their own room. This house was even more special to them both, it had their family in it. Making it a real home. Elizabeth is happy with finally having some of her own family here with her, getting to share her happiness with them. It's two years that they have been married now, and its stronger than ever.

Elizabeth was now getting ready to go on tour again, the last tour. The main and final one for this book. She had mixed emotions about it, saying goodbye to the series was hard. It meant she was saying goodbye to the time, she met Brian. And in a way saying goodbye to her fantasy man Zach. All that got her here was ending. She wondered if she could do this again? Write something that would make the people fall in love with her, all over again? Or would this be her one and only? She then thought, either way, she got what she really wanted out of this. A new fresh start, with a wonderful man she loved. Everything they have been through was worth it in the end. Not to mention, all she has become in the last two years, she has grown so much in so many ways from the naive small-town girl.

For the last year, she hasn't heard much from Ethan as he did what he said and went traveling around the world. He put Karen in assistant living and moved on to see what he finally wanted out of life. He saw that Elizabeth didn't want him, and never would look back. He was doing the same. Getting to travel to see things he never got to see before. Enjoying the sights and sounds. It was the best time of his life. He didn't have to carter to anyone, no wife, no kids, no parents. He was himself, to only care and worry about himself. He saw that letting go of the burden of his mother, actually set him free. As he looks back at his life, he sees all the wrong, that they did to his marriage, and he let them. He also sees how his actions drove Elizabeth away. He doesn't regret it as much as before, seeing that maybe not being with her now is a good thing. If he looked at it, clearly they never really had anything in common but their children. He sits back on the beach of Miami thinking about how Elizabeth moved on and found someone she was happy with. Was it possible to be this happy with a person? He knows at the beginning he was, and so was she, just things went wrong. Things faded. He wondered if the same would happy to Elizabeth and Brian? Then he just thinks maybe not, they been through so much and got through it. He saw that being with Jessica was only a short term fix and lead to nothing either, expect to have a son. He knew to have anything that would be worth it, he would have to fix himself first. To find himself, to be happy with himself.

Brian and Matt have become good friends again, doing their best to keep both firms kicking. Even Sean going into the New York firm to help twice a week. The brothers finally learning to move on from their own past. Knowing everything that had taken place, wasn't their fault, but their parents. They all were eventually equal, all having money and growing to be powerful. Matt was already there being known as Adam's son. Adam keeping it that way even though he did divorce his mother. They made a new agreement, which entitled them to keep their mouths closed about the past. Not saying anything bad about the other, just that after all this time, they felt it was time to move on.

Adam spent time with all three of his sons, making sure that every Sunday he would take them and their family's out to dinner. Staying close to Tylor and doing his best to be a grandfather to Zach as well. He was now able to be the father he wanted to be, seeing that now that the truth was out, there was this weight lifted off of his shoulders. He didn't even have any resentment towards Matt. He knew it wasn't his fault, he also saw he wasn't anything like his real father, which he was glad for. That was the main reason he acted toward him the way he did. He wanted him to be better, to grow, to succeed, and he did.

Sean has gotten over that Adam was his father, he had no choice really. He did see how Adam was trying and doing really well at being a father to them. If he was honest with himself, he was glad he was finally around for them. He never really knew how much he wanted a father, till he had one. Izzy and Sean have been together for a year now, being happy. Sean never knew love could feel like this, and he was glad that he didn't let his overthinking get into his way of what he truly wanted. They were now engaged and planning on getting married when Izzy was twenty-three. They were buying a home together and starting a life. He was getting what Brian had, and he was happy about it.

Matt, on the other hand, was too focused on work to care about getting in a relationship at the moment. He already had been there done that and he wasn't looking to get himself into another mess anytime soon. In so many ways he was like Adam, he wanted the money and the power. He wanted to succeed. He just now didn't want to get anyone else in the way of it. He felt he was still young and could find someone still, just not now. Now was time to build his career and make himself even bigger and better than Adam ever was. He didn't have to worry about Adam taking anything away from him now. It was his, his grandfather made sure of it. Which only made him grow tougher and stronger.

Sofia stayed in Wisconsin. It was where she was used to, and what she loved. She was now a grown woman, with her own husband and soon to be child on the way. They had their own home and lived a regular everyday life. Just like the one she grew up with. She was happy with that, she knew her father had some demons to work out. She was glad he finally was doing it and not trying to hurt her mother any longer. She grew up and saw how happy Elizabeth was, and no matter how she wished her family didn't split she knew it was never going back to the way it was.

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