Chapter 287

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Chapter 287

The next day, Brian goes off to work like normal, and Elizabeth is home finishing up her book to take to Monica's. It was finally done, finally coming to an end. The stress and craziness it brought her would finally be over. At least something was out of their way.

She was happy to put this in the past. As much as she loved to write, she was now tired of the Zach and Racheal love story and wanted to move on to something new. Just in a way, it would be part of her for the rest of her life, thanks to this story it gave her, her own story. A new life, with a man she loves even though they have highs and lows. If it wasn't for this book, she would have never met him, and have the life she is living today. She had to thank it for that if nothing else.

While she is in the office gathering everything up, feeling a great sense of pride and relief that it was over. Her phone rings.

"Hey, What's up? I haven't heard from you in a few weeks. Is everything ok?" Elizabeth asks.

"Yes, I just wanted you to know that our home finally sold. I was thinking if you wanted to come down and say your goodbyes. You can also leave your key for the new sellers." Ethan states.

"Wow, it's really gone?" Elizabeth asks.

"Yes, the settlement is on the 31st of Oct. So if you come now and bring the key everything will be done for then. I thought you might like to take one last look around, maybe pick up some of your things. I have a lot of boxes from your clothes and stuff. You never came back for them." Ethan says.

"I am not sure I need any of those, I kind of redid my wardrobe. You can give them to goodwill. I will see if I can get there. I will have to take the baby with me. I would like to say goodbye and to see the girls and mom. I think It would be good."Elizabeth replies.

"It's been a while since they saw you. Everyone has their own life now, we don't see each other very often. It would be nice. The girls miss you, things are very different now. "Ethan responds.

"Yes, it would be nice. I will get back to you on when I can come. I have to talk to Brian. I miss them as well. It's different not seeing them every day." Elizabeth comments.

"Of course, just let me know. I will talk to you later then. "Ethan responds doing his best to keep things nice and peaceful.

"Thank you for letting me know," Elizabeth says.

"No problem."

Elizabeth gets off the phone, seeing that part of her life is now fully moved on. She would like to go to say goodbye and make peace. Something she needs to do to fully let go and live the life she needs to. She and Ethan have talked here and there and have been getting along nicely. It was a change in their normal way. She saw that Ethan has grown up a lot in the last few months. It was nice to see.

She also knew with everything going on lately this was a really bad time for this. She knew Brian wouldn't be happy but it was something she wanted to do. She would have to talk to him later and try to make plans. She just hoped he would be good about it and not flip out. Their relationship at the moment was rocky at times and this just might rock the boat even more.

She tries to go on with the day, knowing she will talk to him later at dinner.

She packs her papers and baby Zach getting into the car that is there to pick her up. She needed to go into New York and give Monica the final chapters. It was bittersweet.

She gets to New York and goes into the large building, like she has many times before just taking a look around, smiling to her son. She did it, she got here and made something out of herself. She proved Ethan wrong and so many others. She was more than just a housewife, more than just a mother. Most of all she proved it to herself.

She walks into Monica's office placing the final additions on her desk.

"You've finished it?" Monica asks.

"Yes, it's finally all done. I feel free. I actually feel the best I ever have. I did it. I completed it. It means so much to me, that you took me on and had faith in me when no one else did." Elizabeth says.

"Girl are you kidding, do you know, how well the second installment is doing? This last book should hit the roof. We can't seem to make enough copies. We are even getting offers that they want to make a movie of this. You will be set for a long time. Even if you don't write anymore which I do hope you do." Monica says.

"I am so happy to hear that. A movie? That would be awesome. About writing, I think I will take a break for a bit. I want to concentrate on my family. They need me more than ever." Elizabeth replies.

"I know, I heard about Victoria. I just don't want you to lose yourself in them. Don't give up what you created." Monica responds.

"I have no intention of doing that, I just need a break anyway. My mind is tired of trying to think up things. Plus I don't think, I want my next book to be about love or romance. I might want to do my story. My life. I can make it the truth without bashing anyone." Elizabeth answers.

"Ok, I am sure that would do well after everything people have read, I am sure they would like to hear the truth. Ethan might not like your story though. It may cause problems there." Monica laughs.

"I will be going to Wisconsin for a few days, my house sold and I want to say goodbye. I will talk to Ethan then. We have come along way from what we were. So I will see what he says." Elizabeth remarks.

"Do you think its a good idea to go there after everything? Is Brian going to be ok with this? He isn't a fan of Ethan's" Monica asks.

"Its something I need to do, I need to let go of my past fully to make the present work. I am going to talk to Brian tonight about it, so we will see. We were having a lot of issues with Victoria's death. This might be a few days away to forget about it. We seem to have to put up with a lot of each other's ex's. " Elizabeth says.

"I wish you luck. I know it's a lot of stress for the both of you. I will let you know when we are going to let out the last book. I think you should do a little more touring for the last one. We need to make it big and go out with a bang. Zach and Racheal in book stores like the beginning. Make the fans want more from both of you." Monica states.

"Whatever you need, being on tour a bit might help us in away. It may bring back what we first saw in each other. He will always be my Zach. My one true love, nothing will ever change that. " Elizabeth comments.

"I am glad you're not fighting me on this. You two will always be my Zach and Racheal, I hope that you two are ok? It would crush me to see you two split or something. I have been rooting for you two since the moment you two met in the conference room. I knew the way you looked at each other it was going to be so much more." Monica admits.

"We are fine, just regular things we go through. I have no intention of going anywhere, and I believe neither does he. That day sure did change my life. I never expected that to happen." Elizabeth states.

"Things happen in seconds, that change our life. We never see it coming good or bad. Now let me hold that darling little boy for a bit before you leave. His eyes are just like his fathers. Piercing." Monica responds.

"I know, I love it, every time I look at him, I just smile," Elizabeth says with a smile.

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