Chapter 386

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Chapter 386

Margaret takes a seat with the rest of the guests as Adam goes up to Brian, wanting to talk to him. Matt arriving soon after the rest, just taking his seat. None of this surprised him, and he wasn't jealous either. You can't take someone else's luck, and as he saw it, it was about time at least one of them was having something.

"My Boy, This place looks incredible," Adam says.

"Yes, thank you for everything you have given me. I really don't know how to repay you for all of this." Brian answers.

"You don't have to. I am glad I can help, I am also happy I can give this to you. Your mother would be so happy to see you like this."Adam replies.

"I know she would be. She always wished I would find someone that made me happy. She was disappointed when I got Victoria pregnant. She felt that would have ruined my life, and also my changes of so many things. Just in the end, it didn't." Brian states.

"You can't let one life choice define you. We all make mistakes, and all things happen for a reason. Tylor is a wonderful boy, he was the good that came out of that. Victoria had her own demons she was dealing with, it's just a shame things had to end for her as they did. But we are all here to celebrate today, and let's do that. I am very happy with the choices you have made lately. You have matured into a wonderful man." Adam comments.

"Thank you very much," Brian replies giving Adam a hug.

Brian was delighted to have Adam there today. He might not be the father most would dream of, but he was trying. Then Brian wasn't' even sure if he was it or not. That was all still up in the air. Just for today, he had him there with him, egging him on, it was nice.

Meanwhile, Elizabeth goes in the quarters, to put on the final touches, before walking down the aisle. She stands there just taking everything in, feeling butterflies and happiness. For the first time in her adult life in a very long time, she was happy, and most of all at peace.

Joan goes and takes a seat up front looking at Brian smiling away. She knows how much these two really care about each other. She also knows they went through a lot to get here, but yet they did. Joan doesn't know what the future holds for these two, but she knew together they could do anything.

The music starts to play, as Sofia and Izzy get their mothers dress perfect. The long lace train, traveling behind her, the matching long veil with small rhinestone trim, sparkling in the light. They both give their mother a smile before getting ready to head down the Isle. Tylor has baby Zach in a small wagon, all done up with flowers, wheeling him down the aisle. Everyone smiling at both of them. Brian is so thrilled that both his sons can witness this.

Sofia walks down the aisle and then Izzy behind her. The music changes as the door in the back open to unveil Elizabeth. Brian's mouth drops at this gorgeous site in front of him. To him, its like an angel walking down the aisle to him. Tears roll down his face, not able to stop it. His emotions just take over him. Sean just watches, knowing more now than ever, he loved Elizabeth. Sean just thinks to himself he wanted the same. He needed the same.

Elizabeth walks down to Brian standing in front of him, she sees his tears and wipes them away kissing each side of his face with her hands gently on his cheeks.

"I love you," Elizabeth whispers in his ear.

"I love you too." He replies.

"We are gathered here today to witness Elizabeth & Brian McGinnis share their vows to each other. I am very happy to witness their love and how it has grown." Adam says.

"I take you, Brian, to be my husband for the rest of my life, to have and to hold, from this day on. I love you more with each passing day that goes by. I am forever grateful to God for putting you into my life. You are my soulmate, my lover, my friend, my everything." Elizabeth says.

"I take you Elizabeth to be my wife for the rest of my life, to have and to hold from this day on. You are my everything, without you I am nothing. You hold me up when I am down, and make my life better in every way. We have gone through a lot of hard times, and you stood by me, never giving up. Forgiving me at my worse. I promise to you that I will make all that up and more to you each day of my life. I love you." Brian replies.

Brian and Elizabeth exchange rings, this not being your regular ceremony since they both were already married. It was just going through the motions to show their family and friends how much they care, and that this was real. Plus getting to finally say how what they felt to each other. It felt good.

They kiss each other and seal the deal, with everyone cheering them on, as they walk down the aisle everyone throws rose petals, making the pale blush and cream rose petals fill the air.

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