Chapter 302

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Chapter 302

Brian walks into the kitchen, going up to Elizabeth who is stirring the pot of mashed potatoes, he puts his arms around her. She just leans into him, feeling at ease, feeling close to him. Reminding her and him, how they normally are together. Why they fight so hard to be together.

"Babe, is dinner almost ready? Ethan is here." Brian says, as Ethan just stands in the doorway watching.

"Oh ok, you guys go take a seat at the table, and we will be right in with dinner. Hello Ethan, thank you for coming." Elizabeth says as she takes the pot off the stove.

"Thank you for having me," Ethan answers just watching before he goes to take his seat. Remembering how this use to be his family. How she would cook for him, and their children. Never thinking that would come to an end and she would be someone else's.

He does his best to put that behind him, knowing it will never be like that again. Just at the time, instead of cherishing it, he would always say something was wrong. He nows sees the error of his ways, it's just too late to turn back time.

Brian, Ethan, Tylor and baby Zach take their seats in the dining room, Izzy and Sofia following. With Joan and Elizabeth bringing in the dinner.

"Roast beef, with mashed potatoes, seasoned carrots, garlic bread, and salad. I hope all of you enjoy it." Elizabeth says.

"Can't wait, mom, it's just like old times." Sofia states.

Elizabeth just smiles taking her seat next to Brian, as Ethan fills his plate and tries to ignore that statement.

"I am so glad all of us can be gathered here today, to enjoy this meal. I am glad we have come this far." Elizabeth comments.

"Same here and again thank you for having me." Ethan answers.

"No problem. I never asked where are you going to live?" Elizabeth asks.

"Like I told Brian earlier with my mother. She isn't doing well at all after my father has passed. So I am trying to be there." Ethan replies.

"Oh, she was never really easy to get along with. I guess now she has her wish of you living and being with her. Maybe that will make it better?" Elizabeth responds.

"It hasn't really. She has just gotten worse. Her health is declining due to it. She misses my father and wants to be with him." Ethan answers.

Elizabeth just looks at him funny.

"They really never got along that well. They fought all the time." Elizabeth responds.

"I guess that was their way, she is lost without it. All those years of being together, it's hard to just walk away and forget it ever happened." Ethan admits.

"True, She needs to make this her time. Do something for herself. Maybe after a while of her griefing she will feel that way?" Elizabeth says.

"Maybe, who knows. My sister can't deal with it anymore, so it's on me. Now that I don't have a family they feel that I should be the one to take over." Ethan remarks.

"You can always put her away? She doesn't have to be your burden. Don't let her push you into this like she has so many other things, Ethan. This should be the time of your life that your free to do what you want. You worked hard enough, don't let her ruin it." Elizabeth states.

"I know, but she is my mother. I just can't through her to the curb." Ethan answers.

"I know, If she was different, I would say do it, but we all know how she is. She is miserable and wants you to be the same." Elizabeth comments, not able to hold back her feelings.

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