Chapter 344

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Chapter 344

Brian gets to work, wanting to go into Adam's office to discuss things. He wanted away from him, and as soon as it was possible. He wasn't going to let Adam forget, all that he said. That he would help him, with anything. He also felt he was owed, for everything that has been going on. All the lies, and deceit, all the stress that this was bringing into his life. He also knew deep down, he needed to let go of it all, it was just hard. For all his life, he was lied to and had no idea who his father really was.

Brian walks over to Adam's office, knocking on the door, taking a big breath and walking in.

"Hey my boy, how are you? How was your weekend?" Adam asks.

"It was great, My wife and I really enjoyed everything. The dinner was really special. I was surprised to see you there." Brian says.

"It sure was, it was even in the paper. When I found out, I just had to show my support to both of you. I am so glad you're both doing so well. So What Can I do for you today?" Adam asks.

"I came to talk more about my own firm. We talked only a bit about it at the dinner. I didn't want to overshadow my wife's night." Brian comments.

"Yes, that's right, you want your own in New Jersey. I think is a great idea. As I said, I will help you out. We need to get a location that works. We want to make sure its where people can see, and go." Adam states.

"I want to separate the firm. I want all the divorce trails and things that have to do with family. You guys take the rest. I have no need for criminal affairs. As I keep going I see that isn't for me." Brian remarks.

"You know that is a lot to ask for? You are also very good at taking different trails, not only family." Adam responds.

"You always said half the firm was mine, So I would like what's mine. Just this way, Matt can have this firm, and I will have my own. I think its best, we don't work together. This way he has something to fight for, something that is his. As I do that same. We can both build the name, doing our own thing."Brian states.

"I think that's a wonderful idea. He has been so lost without Victoria lately. I think he needs to focus on better things and this should help him too. I am not opposed to it. I do wish you would stay here with us and be one big family. We can give you your own, wing." Adam replies.

"I would prefer doing this on my own. I will be closer to my home and family. I want to be there for my wife and sons. I spend a lot of time commuting back n forth. This way I wouldn't have to. I can get more work done also. I will start looking now and see what I can find. I also want my brother Sean to work in my office. I will take my secretary also." Brian admits openly.

"I guess, if this is what you want, I can't talk you out of it. That's fine then, take whoever you need in that department. Or I should say ask, Not all will want to go, and some will not be able to wait till they leave. I just think it should be their choice." Adam suggests.

"Absolutely. I only need a handful of people. I want my office small and done right." Brian answers.

" You have been planning this for a while, haven't you? I know you never really liked the big law firms. It wasn't your style. We also should talk to Matt together. I think that would be the best way for this." Adam admits.

"Whatever you want, and I have thought about this, here and there. I just think now is the time to make it happen. I need to focus on my family. They mean the world to me." Brian comments.

"I think that is great for you. I never could do that for myself, power and money always won over everything else. I guess we do differ there. It's a good thing though. You will never get this time back with your family. I will do all I can. Let me get Matt up in here too." Adam says.

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