Chapter 373

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Chapter 373

A few days go by, Elizabeth happier than ever, it has been the best time of her life, thanks to Brian and her family. She has been getting ready for the wedding, looking at all kinds of things with her mom and Izzy. Sharing this time with both of them means the world to her. It has been very busy the last few days trying to pick out things since the wedding is only a few weeks away. Adam keeping his word and getting the venue, they wanted without any problems. Even giving him a discount for any trouble this may have caused. Adam was a wheeler and dealer and always was.

Elizabeth has been so busy, that when Ethan called her over and over again this week, she had no time to answer. Just putting him on the back burner, figuring God knows. what he wants to say now. She was over that life, now more than ever. Letting go of him fully in every way. She just wished, he would do the same once and for all. It was time they both moved on, there was really no sense in talking anymore. It wasn't like their children were babies. They were grown women, and if they needed anything, they could ask themselves. She just knew Ethan kept this up, so he could have contact with her. She just felt there was nothing left to say.

She also knew if she kept dismissing him, he would never go away. He was persistent not letting up, leaving message after message. Like his life depended on her answering, which bugged the hell out of her. After their conversation at her mother's, she knew he didn't change. She knew he still hated Brian and wished they would break up. That wasn't happening, he had to get over it. She just wasn't sure how to make that any clearer than she already has.

On the way home from picking out the flowers for her wedding the phone rings, again being Ethan. Elizabeth is in the car alone, so she figures this is a good time to hear what he has to tell her so urgently.

"Hello, Ethan, What seems to be the matter?" Elizabeth answers.

"What seems to be the matter is you don't answer your phone! I called you a bunch of times this week." Ethan snaps.

"I am busy Ethan, we have a lot going on." Elizabeth answers.

"You could still text back, we still share children. We have things to talk about." Ethan snaps.

"Our children are adults Ethan, anything they need they can ask me themselves. It doesn't have to go through you or me. They are not eight asking for a bike for their birthday." Elizabeth responds.

"I thought we were trying to make this work? To be friends?" Ethan says.

"When we have to be at special occasions for the girls, Yes, it would be nice to be friendly, but for any other time, I think its best we go our separate ways," Elizabeth replies.

"We share a lot of history. I wanted you to know that my cousin Elly passed away. I know you liked her, I thought you would want to come to her funeral. To pay your respects with me." Ethan comments.

"I am very sorry for your loss. She was a very special person. I will not be coming to the funeral or anyone else's. We are no longer together, it's best you go alone." Elizabeth states.

"I know my father's funeral didn't go so well. You could take..............him with you." Ethan says.

"Him as my husband? We will both be passing but thank you for the invite. I don't want to be rude, I just feel its time to move on fully. Both of us." Elizabeth answers.

"Aren't your tired of him yet? It's been going on two years of this bullshit. When are you going to see he isn't your fantasy man? The man you wrote in the book, isn't real. No matter how much you try for him to be. Brian is a loser and would have nothing without you. He can't give you anything he is just a fraud." Ethan blurts out.

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