Chapter 362

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Chapter 362

A few weeks later, we are now in February and the Firm is looking great. Adam wants to go check it out himself, to see how far Brian has gotten. Adam is flipping the bill for it all, giving Brian anything he needs, even putting the business under his name. Which makes Adam have no claim to it. Adam wasn't after making money from this firm, he had his own. He was fine with helping Brian as much as he could. He felt it was the least he could do. He had a lot of regrets, and a lot of secrets, he was still keeping. Secrets that were only really protecting others, if he really thought about it. Not even himself. He just did it for the love he had for Brian's mother. That was the one and only true thing Adam ever had.

Plus even after all these years, the truth would still make Adam look really bad. He still would be the one to be in the crossfire of it. He even kept the truth hidden from Matt, letting him believe when he found out, that he was Brian's father that it was true. Not wanting to go into the real story of what really took place. He let Matt and Victoria think they both knew the whole truth, where they knew nothing at all. There were only four people that knew the truth and two of them were no longer able to tell.

Adam heads to the new firm, hoping that Brian does well. Wanting him to succeed, to be all he could be. He was proud of him. Even though he wasn't his son, he loved him, cared for him. He had this close connection towards him, he never had towards Matt for many reasons. Only ones that he knew about. Still hiding the truth, mostly not to hurt Matt.

Adam gets to the office building, seeing the sign up already. The two-story building was a brick front on a corner. Everything that Adam was seeing so far looked very nice. He couldn't wait to go in.

Adam walks up the large wooden and glass door, walking in, to a reception office. Where he spots Sean sitting there answering the phone.

Adam goes up to the office, waiting for Sean to get off the phone.

"Hey, what can I help you with?" Sean asks.

"I am here to see the new place and your brother. I see he has you working here. I hope you like it." Adam says.

"So far, so good. He has me doing accounting, and at the moment helping with taking phone calls. We need a secretary. He was going to take his own, but she got pregnant and wants to stay home to take care of the child. So we are looking for a new one. I will let Brian know, you're here."Sean answers.

"Oh, Tracy was a good receptionist. I am sorry to see her go. I am sure you will find another one and thank you." Adam replies.

"Brian, Adam is here to see you," Sean says on the intercom.

"Send him in." Brian answers.

Adam turns to the left, seeing three office doors, He sees one with Brian's name, so he walks to it and opens it. Walking in, seeing Brian sitting at this large dark maple desk, with two black leather chairs sitting in front of it, A large bookcase behind his desk. Everything looked in order, and very classy.

"My boy, I love what you did with this place. Everything looks great. The reception area is very welcoming. I also see you wasted no time in hiring Sean." Adam states.

"No, I didn't, it took some talking into, but he is helping as much as he can. He still didn't quit his other job, so he is doing both." Brian answers.

"Your brother was always a very responsible boy. He will go far in this field. I am glad you took him with you. So are you getting court cases? " Adam asks.

"Yes, I still have some from your offices and have gotten some new. We are still getting things together here at the office but I am still working. I also got one tenet for the upstairs apartment. I have two, and I am renting them out, so we can make more money and make upstairs useful. In the basement, we have our own lab and our own detective office. Things are coming along quite well." Brian answers.

"I am so proud of you. That was a wonderful idea to rent the top floor. I knew you, were a smart boy. I want to through you a party, let the investors and friends know of the new firm opening. I want to show it off, also having a celebration for Matt, he is doing very well running the larger firm." Adam admits.

"That is a great idea. I am glad Matt is getting to show you what he can really do. You know all he wants is your respect." Brian comments.

"I know, and he does. Things are complicated. You know that Brian. Some things we would like to change and can't. I am trying now to accept him, better than I have in the past." Adam confides.

"At least your trying, it will mean a lot to him." Brian answers.

"I know. How are you and the wife doing?" Adam asks.

"We are great, better than ever. She is my rock and always stands by me. I couldn't ask for anything more. We are also looking for a new home. One that can fit our expanding family." Brian states.

"She is pregnant?" Adam asks.

"No, No." Brian laughs. "Her mother is going to move in with us, and maybe her daughter," Brian adds.

"Oh, that's nice. Are you going to like living with a mother in law? It can be tricky. " Adam remarks.

"I know, but she will have her own place on the property. It's so she is close to Elizabeth. We already worked things out, and it should be fine. She isn't really much trouble, she has been staying with us for a bit now. Also being here in the past. She is a huge help to us with the baby, giving us time to be alone." Brian responds.

"That's wonderful. I am glad to hear you are making the relationship work and building your career. All this is something to pass down to your sons." Adam comments.

"Yes, it's another reason why I am working so hard. I want them both to have everything." Brian replies.

"Spoken like a real father. Well, I better get going now. I will plan the party and let you know when to show up with your beautiful wife. Her mom and daughter can come to, Tylor also." Adam says.

"Sounds great and thank you very much for all your help," Brian replies.

"You mean all the money?" Adam laughs.

"Yes, that also." Brian answers.

"No problem, I told you I would, and that I would always be here for you. I meant that. I hope you know that." Adam states.

"I do, and thank you," Brian says.

Adam nods and walks out going back to his own firm. Seeing that Brian can make the cut, which doesn't surprise him at all. He was going to be one to have it all, he just wished Matt would catch up.

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