Chapter 286

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Chapter 286

Brian walks in seeing the dining room table set for two, everything smelling great and also looking nice. It makes him relieved inside to see she is somewhat herself. He walks into the kitchen, seeing their son in his high chair, as Elizabeth is cooking.

Brian kisses his son and then goes over to Elizabeth kissing her cheek.

"Everything smells great, these are for you," Brian says handing Elizabeth a dozen yellow roses.

Elizabeth just looks at him, standing there with the roses, how sweet he was, and always trying. It just makes her feel worse inside, that she is having so many doubts.

"Thank you so much they are gorgeous. You always know how to cheer me up." Elizabeth says kissing him on his lips.

The first real kiss they have had in days.

"I thought you needed a pick me up. I know a lot has been going on the last few weeks, even more, the last few days." Brian answers.

"I agree, dinner is done, why don't we sit down and eat as a family. We can talk about today later after we put Zach to bed." Elizabeth says.

"That sounds good, let's enjoy this great meal you made. I am starving and was looking forward to being with you." Brian replies.

"I have to be honest, I wasn't there for a bit after today but now seeing you I feel so much more at ease," Elizabeth admits.

"I am glad. I hate thinking you're not wanting to be with me. Or dreading it. I know how that feels, I use to feel that a lot in my other relationship. I never want that here. Come, let's eat." Brian responds.

"Ok," Elizabeth replies with a smile.

They both sit at the table and eat their dinner talking and feeding baby Zach as well. Having a nice dinner time. One both of them were relieved to have.

Once dinner is done, Brian takes baby Zach up to get ready for bed as Elizabeth cleans up. Brian loved this time of night when he gets time to spend with his young son. He loves the life he has right now and didn't want anything to overturn it.

He gives baby Zach his bath, and bottle rocking him in the chair as the baby falls asleep in his arms. He then puts him to bed, going to his own room to get ready for his shower. Seeing Elizabeth already took hers.

"Where do you want to watch the movie when you're done? Bed or sofa? " Elizabeth asks.

"I think bed, would be nice. After my shower, we can talk. I would like to hear what took place today. What made you so upset you didn't even want to see me? I hope that was the first time ever that happened? I also hope it never happens again." Brian states.

"It was the first time ever. I didn't like feeling it either. I hate that this made me feel that way, and is taking things from us." Elizabeth answers sitting on the bed.

Brian goes to take his shower, getting done in record time. He wants to know what happened today. Hoping the Detective didn't say anything he couldn't come back from. He saw that Elizabeth was lighting up, and he wanted it to stay that way. Plus, after hearing that she didn't want to see him and she feels its taking things away he is a bit nervous. It didn't want their relationship to go south. Things were getting out of hand.

He drys himself off and puts on his blue striped sleep pants and dark blue pullover walking in the bedroom drying his grey long hair.

"I'm done, So what went on? He told me yesterday that he would talk to you. I didn't think it would be that soon." Brian says.

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