Chapter 296

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Chapter 296

Elizabeth wants to go see her old house, it's getting late and she wants to before the night is over. She sees Brian, busy with work, not even knowing if she is there or not. So she just picks up and goes herself. Feeling what is the point? He really didn't even want to be here. Yet, at the same time, she wishes she could share this with him, bringing him with her, to show him where she lived half her lifetime. Just instead of fighting, she goes alone, letting a car pick her up in front of Joan's home.

She gets in and drives to her old house, pulling up taking a look at the home, she spent, all her youth in, the home she came home to as a bride. And the home, she took home her two babies in. She just stands outside in front of it for a while, taking everything in.

It was easy to leave it before, it was still there as Ethan's home. Everything would stay the same, but now that would all change, someone new would come in and take over. It was no longer either of theirs. It would be a stranger's.

A pain runs through her, remembering it all. Good times, bad times. funny times. Twenty years' worth of memories in one small home. She walks up the porch and goes in with her key. Seeing it empty, which she hasn't seen it like this since they moved in so many years ago. She looks at the stairs and sees her daughters running down them, as little girls getting ready to go off to school. She sees Ethan carrying her through the front door on their wedding night. She walks to the kitchen and remembers the family dinners she cooked every night. Everything just floods back to her.

She slowly walks upstairs, peeking into the room that was her daughter's room, remembering putting them to bed. Walking down the hall to Ethan and her bedroom, which only brings her fear as she stands there. Not remembering anything good, just when he held her down and did what he wanted to her. Also remembering how she missed Brian and wanted him so badly, writing him tons of notes, and how she needed him to be there for her.

She just walks back downstairs, saying goodbye in her own way. She walks to the yard and goes outside, seeing the firepit, Which she lights and sits by, taking in the quiet and peacefulness around her.

She hears someone behind her and goes to look, to see Ethan coming out into the yard.

"Hey, I see you got here," Ethan says.

"Yes, I been here for a while, just saying goodbye in my own way." Elizabeth answers.

"It looks different being empty doesn't it?" Ethan asks sitting in the other chair next to her.

"It does, I was sitting here remembering the girls In summer, thinking they were fishes out here in the pool." Elizabeth laughs.

"I remember that, coming home from work, finding you all out here. It was nice." Ethan states.

"It was, It was also a long time ago," Elizabeth replies.

"It sure was. How are you doing? You seem different." Ethan responds.

"I'm tired, to be honest. A lot has been going on. This wasn't the best of times to come here, but I needed to say my goodbyes." Elizabeth says.

"Brian not happy with it is he?" Ethan asks.

"No, not at all. He isn't happy with you texting me either. Or that we are friendly.....he doesn't see the point. He thinks you are up to something." Elizabeth admits.

"I can understand why he feels that way. I am sorry he does though. I am not up to anything. I just want things to be as normal as they can be for our girls. The way things were going before it wasn't making anyone happy. I know, I had a lot to do with it. I had a lot of time to think about things. To work on my life." Ethan answers.

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