Chapter 339

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Chapter 339

Elizabeth thinks about the talk they just had, feeling it was a good one. It felt like when they first met and would talk for hours about everything. It was nice. She was also glad, he wanted his own office, away from Adam, and Matt. Maybe things could go back to normal if he wasn't around them. She felt there was a better chance, at the same time she knew Brian wasn't going to let go of finding out who his real father was. Eventually, he would talk to Adam and find out, just would he be able to handle the outcome? Could he accept whoever and whatever was the truth? She wasn't sure, she knew a lot of this has weighed him down over the last few months. Putting a lot of stress on him, on them, and their family. Will they be able to make it? She hopes so, she sees that Brian wants to make a lot of new changes. Some good in one way, and in another, she wasn't so sure. It was a lot to get up and move again, in such a short time, a lot to start a new firm and even having a wedding on top of it. Was he trying to do too much too fast? She knew he meant well, she just was scared it may all be too much.

She lays there, needing to let go, needing the rest. Seeing that tonight was wonderful in so many ways. Monica and Brian surprising her with her family, it was more than she could dream of. She was happy her mother would get to spend the holiday with them, she wishes she would stay and not go home. She loved having some of her family here with her, instead of only having Brian, when things got hard, she had no one. When Brian had his moments, she was left in a strange place, without anyone to confide in. Then she thinks, she didn't want to tell her mother what has been taking place. Joan thought everything was perfect and Elizabeth wanted her to keep thinking that. She was ashamed, to be in the same boat as before. That was another reason for her to try again, to make this work.

She knew it was even harder than last time to let go of this relationship. Last time it was kids, the house, history and just to being the way they were. This time she was in love with him, but there was so much else to lose. They worked together, she was now semi-famous and everyone would know if they split up. Being all over for everyone to talk about. Not just Ethan and his family. Which she knew right off the bat would love it, and say I told you so. Then there was Zach and also Tylor, it would change their lives, letting Zach not have a day to day father, and Tylor without any mother. It would also change his life again, the child didn't need that. None of them needed it, not to mention she thought about her life without Brian in it, being apart and how hard that would be. She missed him and it was only a few days, what would forever be like? She didn't really want to find that out. For now, she would try to make this work and see if he stay the person she wanted. If he could be hers and only hers like he has been. She hoped he could.

When the morning finally comes, Elizabeth wakes up seeing Brian still sleeping beside her, she hopes today is a good day, just like yesterday. She was going to keep the faith and hope it would be. Even though she was trying and she knew he was, she still wondered exactly what took place at the club. How far did it go? Where did it take place? She knew she couldn't blame Brian for it, she told him she didn't want to know. At the time, it hurt too much to even hear, he attempted this, but now, she wanted to know what really happened. She wanted to get it fully out of her system. To fully move on. To see if it was as bad as she has been thinking it was, and how far he took it.

Brian turns around in bed, seeing Elizabeth up already. He feels peace for the first time in a while. Seeing her laying next to him, just relaxing.

"Good Morning babe," Brian says.

"Morning, so what are we doing today?" Elizabeth asks.

"I was thinking we would go down to the spa. Take advantage of some massages. I think both of us could really use it. Then maybe get some lunch, and just stroll around New York. Tonight come back here and make love being as close to each other as we can." Brian admits.

"You really did think this through, haven't you?" Elizabeth laughs.

"Yes, I have. Do you like it?" Brian answers.

"I do, I think its a great idea. After dinner, I may have my own surprise. There is a place, I would like to go to, but I will tell you more about it later. For now, let's get ready for breakfast and the Massages. " Elizabeth responds.

"Sounds good, I am going to go take my shower, you order us some breakfast," Brian replies.

"You got it," Elizabeth says.

They both sit together on the Terrance looking out at the city while they eat their breakfast. Both calm and taking it easy for the first time in a while. Looking at the busy city below them, and seeing how so much has changed since they know each other.

After breakfast, they get dressed, going downstairs into the hotel, where Brian has reservations at the Spa for both of them. They go in laying on their own tables side by side as the women, give them both enjoyable massages.

Elizabeth had to admit, this was the life, even if it was only for a day. Tomorrow things would go back to normal. Brian to work, her taking care of the home and kids. So enjoy it while you can, is what she is thinking.

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