Chapter 211

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Chapter 211

The next road trip goes well for Brian and Elizabeth. Brian sees she has lightened up a bit, trying to spend as much time with him as she can. There little gameplay igniting a fire in each of them. Elizabeth hasn't brought up Brian's role-playing again as she wonders to herself if he really can handle it. Some of his responses bothered her. She wasn't sure, he was up for it and she left the topic alone. She loved Brian and was happy with him being himself. He really was her fantasy man, just him dressing up as Zach and playing him made things a bit fun and very different. It added some excitement and newness they needed since they were falling into a rut.

Nothing they shared before matched, what they have done a few nights ago. Elizabeth felt free letting go of a lot of the things Ethan did to her in the past. She loved to be able to share that with Brian. She had to admit, she was never that brasen as she was in that club. That wasn't her normal self. She wasn't sure if it was him being Zach or the booze she drank, but something gave her the courage to just let go. It would be fun to do that again but she would see if Brian would bring it up. Otherwise, she would keep it to herself and just stay as they were.

She knew deep down, there were parts she did that bothered him, and it wasn't supposed to. It was all supposed to be in fun, let go. Be what your not, Isn't that what role play is? Where she figured Brian was taking some a bit personal. Then no one would like to see the person they love want to do these things to someone else. That was the downside to the fantasy.

They have been three other book signings since then, going out to dinner afterward and being close. Still, nothing as hot as that night, Elizabeth thinks about it often. Some nights they go back to the hotel tired of the full day and just head to bed holding each other. The signings have been busy with more people at each of them than before.

The questions not so personal all the time, more and more people were asking about the book and not about their relationship. Elizabeth did see that Zach did bring in a lot of women drooling over him, just like she did. She found it cute and would find herself just staring at him at times herself. Feeling she was so very lucky this time around, she never wanted to lose it. He was everything she wanted and more, in every way. She never thought any of this to be possible. To be in love? To be happy? It was something new for her, and she was finally enjoying it.

Elizabeth would call her mother a few times a day, checking in to make sure that baby Zach was doing well. She missed him dearly. Just doing her best to do her job and also make Brian happy. There was part of her that wanted to be here and the other part that wanted to be home. She just now kept it to herself. Feeling the time would go and she would be home before she knew it. She did enjoy being alone with Brian, the time spent together made them closer and they needed that. Just her heart was still at home in some ways with their son. She was torn, she never thought she would be having this problem, she never thought another child was in her future. She thought now time would be for her career. It just didn't seem to work that way.

There were only a few more days, to go before she would be home, in her own bed with her child in her own home. It was a thought that kept her going. Things were a bit different than the tour before, there was someone else she loved dearly. She was happy with her life and missed it. It felt like home to her, one she never wanted to leave. So much did change in so little time. She just smiles looking out of the car window at all she has accomplished. At the relationship she built, the family she now has. She couldn't ask for more.

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