Chapter 368

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Chapter 368

While Brian and Sean are standing at the bar getting a drink, talking, Izzy walks up to them.

"This party is something else. I hope you're enjoying your evening." She says.

"Yes, Adam always knew how to overdo things." Sean answers.

"I think it's very nice of him to through the party. I am going to go look for my wife. If you two will please excuse me." Brian says walking away.

"There he goes running after your mother again." Sean laughs.

"They have a really great relationship. I inspire to have one like that. Someone to lift me up, make me feel like there isn't anyone else." Izzy comments.

"They do have something special. It doesn't happen very often. To be honest, I never have to see anything like it. I thought he was crazy when he first got into this. I figured it was something he couldn't have, so that was why he wanted it so badly. I guess I was wrong." Sean replies.

"I thought she just saw someone give her some attention, it was something new and would wear off. So I guess we both were wrong. I am glad, that I was though. You seem to be happy with Martha. Don't you have that with her?" Izzy asks.

"Martha and I have been together for a long time. At least ten years, she is there for me, and we get along very well. It's not like Your mother and Brian's in the desired part or in some other ways either." Sean says thinking about it.

"What do you mean? You have been together for ten years, you should know if you want this to be forever or not? If she is the one you want to marry have a family with?" Izzy asks.

"I think I just feel comfortable with her, use to her. If you can understand that. I haven't thought about marriage or kids. To be honest, at the moment I have gotten so into this firm, its all I think about. I have never been like this before, it's just now I see Brian's thought process, and it's coming to life before me. We can build this to be something. To be ours. I don't even care that Adam helped us start it." Sean admits.

"I know you're really into this and I am glad you are. You are great at it. You are great at a lot of things. I think you shouldn't just feel comfortable with a person though, there should be so much more. " Izzy comments.

Sean just looks at her, feeling maybe she was right? He never really thought about it before. He was happy where he was. He always played it safe.

"Would you like to dance?" Izzy asks.

"Sure why not?" Sean replies.

Taking her by the hand to the dance floor, taking her in his arms a feeling of heat washes through him that never has before. He didn't know what it was, but he liked it.

"You know, I don't know why everyone always says Brian's so hot. I think your the hotter brother." Izzy says looking into his blue eyes.

"Thanks, I have to say that's a first. He has always been the one to get the girls." Sean replies with a blush.

"I am sure you can as well, you just never tried." She responds.

Sean isn't sure what is going on, is this just a flirtation? She is just a kid, and this must be something for fun. He needed to not take this serious or get involved, but even though he thinks that he has to admit, being with her and close to her feels good. Feels different. Like nothing, he has felt before. He just knew he wasn't looking for this, it wasn't a good time, or with the right person. She was his brother's stepdaughter.

He just shakes it off, feeling she is just playing with him, going back to stand next to Martha keeping his own feelings deep inside. Figuring it was better that way.

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