Chapter 383

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Chapter 383

It's the night before the wedding, and Brian is going to go stay at the office apartment with Sean. This will be the first night in a long time, that Elizabeth and Brian haven't slept in the same bed. They are just trying to follow the regular routine of someone getting married. Wanting to do all the things they didn't get to do the last time. Making sure to do it all this time, both not having any intention of ever getting married again.

Brian goes up to Elizabeth, who is getting ready for bed standing in front of her vanity mirror, he puts his arms around her waist and kisses her neck.

"I will miss you very much tonight. I am not used to sleeping without you. The last time you didn't sleep here was miserable." Elizabeth says pressing herself up against him.

"I know, last time was my own fault, that's not happening again. This time tomorrow we will be married in front of all our family and friends and I have no intention of sleeping away from you again." Brian answers.

"Good, I know we are already married but I am so excited for tomorrow. This means so much to me. I think my girls finally do see how happy I am with you." Elizabeth states.

"I am excited to, I have wanted this for a long time, I just see now you caught up which I am very thankful for. I see you're not worried about your past like you use to be."Brian replies.

"I can't look back just forward. I need to enjoy what is in front of me, not worry about what may happen. It's not going to stop it from happening. We have been through a lot, more than most people and we came through. I believe that will keep happening." Elizabeth responds.

"I do too, I just hope things stay calm now. Its been so nice. Things are normal now, no interference with others." Brian comments.

"It took us a bit to get settled into this new life, but now we have. I know there will be ups and downs, that's part of life. I just feel now we can handle them together. " Elizabeth remarks.

"I feel the same," Brian answers kissing her neck.

"What will you be doing tonight? I know Rick and Jon are heading there too. I hope nothing too crazy?" Elizabeth asks.

"Nothing at all, just going to drink a bit with the guys and talk shit. No girls, No strippers I already told them none of that. Sean is in charge so I know things will run smoothly, he knows what took place at the bar. I already had my" Brian answers.

"Uh Huh, and you only get that one time, no more of that," Elizabeth says.

"I know babe, what about you and the girls?" Brian asks.

"Tv, talking and just hanging out. Nothing crazy at all. We will have the boys upstairs and I really don't feel like heading out partying. We will have enough of that tomorrow." Elizabeth states.

"Hmmm Good, keep your strength for tomorrow night. I will be all over you. It's hard for me to stop touching you now. Its been two weeks." Brian says.

"I know but that was on purpose to build it up for tomorrow night. I want it to be special. Two weeks without sex is nothing. Hell, I went years in my last marriage without any." Elizabeth laughs.

"That isn't happening in this one, we both already agreed. Plus when I get tired or don't come after you, you have been stepping it up and coming after me. I don't want that to stop. I like it, the last few months have been great." Brian admits.

"Yes, it has. I love you Brian, and our life together." Elizabeth states.

Same here, I love you very much. I have to go now even though I really don't want to. I will call you before I go to bed to let you everything went ok." Brian answers.

"K, Then I will see you tomorrow at the alter. Hmmm, that is a very good thought, you standing there all sexy in a tux." Elizabeth smiles.

"I will be there will bells babe," Brian replies.

Brian leaves to go to the apartment, with his friends, as Elizabeth goes downstairs to spend the night with her daughters, mother, Monica and Martha. Monica was happy to be apart of this, she watched them blossom in front of her. She was glad they were finally having a happy ending. The one they deserved. It was better than any book she read, it was real.

The night goes on for both of them without a hitch, laughing, talking, eating, and enjoying themselves with the people they cared most for. When it's over Brian calls Elizabeth to say goodnight. Keeping his word, like he always did.

Tomorrow was a new day, one they all looked forward to.

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