Chapter Twenty Nine: Climax

Start from the beginning

"Pathetic" Stain says and shoots forward towards us.

Shoto grabbed Iida pulling him behind us and set off his fire towards Stain.

"Idiots! The Hero Killer is only after me and that kid in the white armor, stop fighting back just get out of here!" The native hero yelled at us.

"I don't think he'd let us run even if I wanted to" Shoto said still attacking him.

"Something clearly changed in him just now, he seems rattled" I say aloud while shooting air blasts towards Stain as he jumps around.

"Hey! Todoroki and Kari, can you regulate your temperatures?" Iida asked us, I simply shook my head no while continuing to fight.

"Not well with my left but yes, I can" Shoto replied to him.

"You gotta freeze my legs for me without plugging the exhaust! Iida yells at us.

"You're in the way!" Stain yells and throws a knife right at Shoto but Iida stuck his arm out protecting him.

"How many god damn knifes do you have!" I yelled at him while shooting large boulders at him.

"No Iida" Izuku yelled moving slightly realizing he's free.

"Why won't you stay down?" Stain threw more knifes at us, another one landing in Iida's arm and then another into my arm making me fall back pinned to the ground.

"Iida, Kari!" Shoto shouts while he stopped attacking, I tried to pull the knife but the pain was unbearable. The knife was in deep through my skin and the ground.

"Just do it!" Iida yelled at Shoto, he began to freeze his engines.

Iida was able to pull out the knife and get up activating his Quirk shooting off towards Stain. Izuku shot off towards Stain as well making me smile at them.

"Go guys!" Shoto said while looking up smiling.

Izuku and Iida hit stain at the same time but Stain sliced Iida again, Shoto ignited himself shooting fire up at Stain while Iida kicked him again. Iida and Izuku were now falling so I raised my free arm to use air to lower them to the ground softly.

"Stand up! Keep fighting" Shoto told them but once we looked at Stain he was on the ground not moving.

"He's got to be knocked out after all that right?" Izuku asked as we stared at him.

"Then let's restrain him and get him to the street, maybe we can find some rope" Shoto said as I laid my head back on the ground.

"Yeah and we should probably take all of his weapons too" Izuku added on.

"Good idea" Shoto said.

"Yeah let's take the one out of my arm first guys" I said as they looked at me with wide eyes.

Shoto went to find some rope with Iida while Izuku came up to me.

"Just rip it out Izuku" I tell him making his eyes widen.

"What Kari no way!" He said replied freaking out.

"Damnit Izuku rip the damn thin-AHHHH" I screamed as he ripped it out while apologizing.

I laid on the ground for a moment while Izuku wrapped a piece of torn clothing around my arm. I looked down at the small knife still lodged in my calf sighing and yanking it out while wrapping cloth around my wounds.

After they tied up Stain and took all of his weapons, Shoto was helping me sit up.

"Can you walk?" He asks me looking at my leg.

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