Chapter 1

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*Kendra's P.O.V.*

"your free to go" Alison said pushing me out the back door of the foster home clinic. I was left alone, with no one to help me. I got up and started walking around

"you couldn't have giving me a blanket at least" I mumbled to myself. I walked around the town. Officer Swanson came up to me

"running away again Kendra?"

"nope, today is my 18th birthday, I'm basically an adult now"

"is it really?"

"yep, so I'm gonna go find a place to stay"

"now how are you going to do that?"

"I just will" I then walked away.

I found this little store, I was lucky that my parents left me some money before they left me. I bought some food, a small sports bag and a water bottle. This is all I need for now. I walked around until I got to the park and filled the water bottle and put it back in the sports bag.

"maybe being on your own won't be that bad, once you get a job and a place to say" I said to myself. Then I ran into something and fell.

"I'm so sorry" I heard a voice say, ok maybe I ran into someone. I looked up and his eyes looked into mine

"it's fine, I wasn't looking where I was going"

"I'm Harry, you are?"

"I'm Kendra"

"how come I haven't seen you here before?"

"I lived in another town and well my family let me come here because I turned 18, it's a family tradition"

"cool, do you need a place to stay?"

"kind of, but I don't want to just barge in"

"no, no its fine, come on"

"ok" he started walking to a car. Do I trust him? Do I just getting in a stranger's car? Well I really have nothing to loose. I got in the car, and he drove to this huge mansion.


"I'm guessing you have no clue who I am"

"you told me your Harry"

"I mean who I really am, I'm from the band one direction"

"my family doesn't use technology, and we don't listen to music, well today's music that is"

"cool" we then got out of the car and walked to the mansion. The place looked bigger on the inside, the foster home clinic wasn't even half the size of this place.

"hey Harry, who's your new friend this time?"

"this is Kendra, Kendra this is Zayn"


"she doesn't know who we are" harry said to Zayn


"her family don't listen to today's music and they don't use technology"

"hey Kendra do you have a phone?" Zayn asked


"shes gonna stay here for awhile till she gets a actual place"

"cool, it was nice to meet you"

"it was nice to meet you too"

"follow me Kendra" Harry said walking down a hallway. He showed me all the rooms in the house, making it seemed impossibly bigger.

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