Chapter Fifteen: Roaring Sports Festival

Começar do início

"Akari" I heard a voice say, I looked over to see my Dad.

"Oh hey, did you see that I could hold more boulders now!" I asked him as I drank some water from my water bottle.

"Yes but you need to practice another element now" he tells me and began walking as I followed.

"Well I have been practicing air and water with Katsuki after school each day" I say confused by what he was meaning.

We walked towards the middle of the training grounds where I noticed a huge bonfire was lit, making me stop dead in my tracks.

"Wait no, I can't do this at school I can't contain it well. What if I accidentally hurt someone?" I ask him looking at all my classmates around me.

"Well that should give you motivation to control it more, you don't want to hurt your friends so contain it" he said simply making me sigh.

'There's no way on changing his mind on this' I thought to myself and began to walk towards the flickering light.

"Hey guys! I think Kari is gonna use the fire part of her Quirk!" I hear a voice say, I watch as my classmates stop to look. I can't blame them for being curious, all week they've been seeing me use all other elements except this one. Not even Katsuki or Izuku have seen me use it. I take a deep breath and take off my jacket since its not fire proof.

"Yeah take it off!" I hear Mineta scream but I manipulate the earth from under him up making him go flying.

I close my eyes breathing slowly and get in a stance. I raise my arms upwards towards the heat and begin my pulling the flames to my hands. I could feel it getting warmer so I open my eyes and yank the fire towards me. Orange flames cover my hands and up to my forearm making me take in a shaky breath. I turn my back to the bonfire then get into a fighting position.

I begin by shooting out small waves of flames towards the building in front of me. I then try to increase the power by drawing more from the bonfire behind me and start turning in a circle to make a ring of fire around me. Once the circle is complete I punch my fists aggressively which shoots massive flames out, scorching anything it touches. I can feel my skin start to burn meaning I'm overusing it. I slowly move the fire from the circle and from my arms, to in between my hands making a large ball of compact fire. I stare on it focusing then shoot it at a nearby tree making it explode and leave it smoking.

I bend over, exhausted and wanting to throw up. I look at my hands to see they're tinted pink from being almost burned. I looked up to see nothing but black charcoal around me but is interrupted by clapping and cheering. I look around to see my classmates cheering for me and giving me compliments. I blush at the extra attention and walk towards my Dad.

"Happy now?" I question him slightly annoyed.

"You need to extend the time you're able to manipulate it so that doesn't happen" He tells me referring to my stinging hands.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm gonna go get some burn medication from Recovery Girl now" I tell him and he nods.

As I walk away, a few pairs of eyes linger on me. Todoroki obviously doesn't use his fire often, so he of course is staring at me. Katsuki and Izuku are practically wide eyed since I've been friends with them for fifteen years now and they've never seen me do that before. I keep walking ignoring their stares, hoping I won't have to use it in the Sports Festival.

~Later That Night~

Katsuki and I were focusing on training without the use of Quirks tonight which meant doing some intense exercises. I was panting, I had just finished another mile but smiled when he handed me some water.

Falling For My Best Friend (Katsuki BakugoxOC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora