Really Real

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"All right, Oswald, ole buddy, ole pal. Tonight we're gonna cure you. Make me laugh or else. Let's call this the sudden death round." Jerome laughs as the inmates forcefully push Oswald around until he picks up a spork pushing it towards Jerome.

"Yeah, that's a spoon."

"It is also a fork!"

"Looks like you got some fight in you still, but it's just too little, too late, too boring. Lobotomize the little bird." Jerome turns to walk away, but Oswald calls, "Wait, wait. You said this prison is all in my mind. Maybe I'm in a prison right now, a prison where you can't get to me."

Jerome chuckles "Okay. You are nuts." Jerome walks over to Oswald but hits his head on the imaginary bars. Jerome raises his staff hitting the air.
"Clack! Clackety, clack, clack! Clack! Ah." Oswald gestures to the side and Jerome walks over and successfully inside the fake cell.

From there Oswald beats Jerome to a pulp while laughing. "Try laughing now, you ginger sap! Yes!"


I sit on the couch tossing popcorn in my mouth and watch TV. A knock on my door makes me groan. "Give me a second." I huff standing up and wrapping the blanket around me like a cape. I open the door and gasp closing it, but his foot stops the door. "(y/n), darling, let me in please."

"No. You're not real you're-" "JEROME LIED TO YOU!"

I allow Xander in and he closes the door. I back away from him as he closes in. "(Y/n). Please sit down. Let me talk to you."

I follow the instructions holding my head. "I'm so nuts. Oh, I've lost it!" I poke Xander and gasp as he's solid. He shakes his head with sad eyes. "It's just as I thought. He's got you so confused." "W-who?" "Jerome." I shake my head. "Y-you're Jerome. It's because-" "My name isn't Xander Wilde, (y/n)."

He grabs my hands making me shutter. "I'm real, love." I look into his eyes and touch his cheek. "Why?" I ask lowly on the verge of tears.

"My name is Jerimiah Valeska. I am Jerome's twin brother. I left the circus when we were younger. I escaped him. (y/n), Jerome has been poisoning you for years. I know everything. I know who you are struggling to be." I shake my head. "You don't know me I've-" "Killed a man near Highway 16. Shot the county commissioner, and took part in this latest spree. I know who you are, (y/n)."

I take my hand away and back up to the end of the couch. "I know you're not sane. Jerome has tainted your blood with rage and anger. Please, (y/n). Let me help you. I know you're drowning." I wipe my tears looking at Jerimiah.

"You know everything I've done?" He nods with worried eyes. "A-and you don't... hate me?" He cups my cheek in his hand. "Darling. I could never."

I stare into his eyes. "Why did he lie?" I break falling into Jerimiah. "Shh, love. He just wanted you to follow him. If you were behind him, his plan always had a purpose. Save yourself. Let me save you." I nod shielding myself in his frame. "You're safe here."

I grip his shirt relaxing into him. "Thank you, Jerimiah." He sighs smiling into my shoulder. "You're welcome, (y/n)."

The cell door to Oswald's room slides open revealing Jerome. "Relax, buddy. You gave me what I needed. The laugh of the century!

Jerome sits on Oswald's bed smirking as he rests his eyes. "Tell me something. You appear to have everyone here under your thumb. (y/n) Gordon, the guards, the inmates." "What can I say? I'm a charismatic guy." He shrugs smirking with his hands behind his head.

"You could escape anytime. Why stay? Hmm."

Jerome smirks up at Oswald. "Why indeed? I've got a lovely nut job waiting for me." "You're planning something." "Righty-o, old boy. Something spectacular. See, I'm in this funny farm 'cause I need to find the crème de la crazy.
Which is why I need you. But when we're done, the world out there that'll be the asylum. What do you say?"

Oswald smiles, "Thank you for your kind offer, but I don't expect to be here very long." Jerome hums standing up. You'll come around. They always do."

Such A Joker (Jerome x reader) ~ (Jeremiah x reader)Where stories live. Discover now