Indian Hill

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I straighten my clothes once more before entering my way into the old building. Cracking running up the walls as well as shivers going down my spine as my skin grows the pasty color of the appearance around me. I walk to the front desk and she stares at me while I smile sweetly at her. "Can I help you?" She asks looking me up and down in a judgmental fashion. Rude!

"Yes mama, I have called earlier in the week about my arrival here. I spoke with Miss Peabody? I think. – She was supposed to inform Mr. Strange of my arrival. I'm a new physiatrist. My name is-" "Ah! Ms. Gordon!" I hear a monotone male voice rip through the silence. I turn to see a man of whom I assume is the philosopher himself. I fake my wide smile and prance over to the man happily. "Hello! It is so nice to meet you!" "Likewise! Come! We've got much to discuss." He praises and walks with me close behind.

We walk through the halls with the empty room and wide-open doors. "Where are the inmates?" "In the social room right now. We like the give them time to be themselves each day. We're not completely inhumane!" He laughs and continues to walk. Oh yeah! Not inhumane at all! Just experimented with kids is all!

Soon after the cells, we come to the social room he mentioned before. Inmates sitting in peace eating their breakfast and talking. Some louder than others, but no one looks dangerous. "(Y/n)?" I hear my name being spoken from the other side of the bars. "(Y/n)! Oh, I thought it was you!" A man comes up to the bars with dark hair and glasses. "I'm sorry do I know you?" He looks confused at my question. He adjusts his glasses and laughs. "It's me! Ed, you're friend! Well, I guess not anymore after you know... boom ... but I'm hopeful! Anyway, I just wanted to say I'm sorry for what I did! If I knew you would jump in front of him I wouldn't have shot at all!" I tilt my head and scrunch my eyebrows together. "Um, Ed was it? Yes, listen I'm sorry but I don't remember who you are. You see I was in a coma and once I woke I didn't remember a thing, but back to what you were saying... boom? What does that mean?" "Well, I uh... I'm the reason you lost your memory... I guess! Surprise!" "You're the one that shot me?" "By accident!" He quickly says.

I smile and narrow my eyes at the man. "Right. Well, Edward please step away from the bars. I would appreciate it if you would only come to me in a professional manor I'm not here to be friends. Thank you." I say and walk away with Mr. Strange. "Crazy that one! Riddles all day long! Anywho, follow me to your office!" One very long hallway and two rights latter I see a cherry wood stained door with a shiny rose gold nob. "We have the schedule for your appointments today already lined up. Only three this afternoon. You ever have any trouble press the button on your desk and a guard will arrive. I hope you enjoy it here Ms. Gordon! You seem... more behaved than your father." He laughs and closes the door behind him leaving me alone.

I see the three files on my desk and pick the first one up. 1:00 with Neo Sparks. The reasoning for Arkham: Electrocuted people. Killed his family by throwing them into their swimming pool that he had wired to ten toasters. Lovely...

As the day tugged along I got to my last appointment of the day. Edward Nygma...


A knock on the door signaled for the arrival of my patient. "Come in!" I spoke, and the door was opened to reveal him in a straight jacket. "Please, Ed take the seat. We've got an hour." He does as tell quietly and doesn't say anything.

I tap my fingers on my clipboard and stare at the clock. "anything you'd like to discuss Edward? That's what I'm here for." He looks at me and shakes his head. I bite my lip and scoot my chair closer getting his attention. "Then maybe you can help me." He laughs and shakes his head. "With what?" "Remembering." I smile at him and he sits up straighter. Hopefully, this isn't a horrible idea!

Ed then tells me all about my life before or what he knew of it at least. We worked together some, and he knew my favorite lunch I always packed. "You were starting to change though. Around when you first turned 18 you got more from that lousy Jim... sorry! You would come in happy though! Then you stopped coming at all. No one really understood why you stopped. It was right after that Valeska case. The crazy guy killed his own mother!" "Um, Ed... You killed your girlfriend." "HEY! THAT WAS NOT ME!" He yells, and I scoot back a little.

His eyes turn soft and he constructs himself back. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry! Back to the story! My bad! Anyway! Arkham breakout happened and the maniax were loose! Jerome was apparently this big shot caller, but it didn't work out so well. You should remember that! Torn up for weeks about it!" "Why's that? He's just some crazy!" Ed looks confused at me. "(Y/n) do you really not remember anything at all?" "Should I?" He shrugs and sits back. "Well insisting you two were-" DINGGGGGGG DINGGGGGGG!!!!!!!

My door opens, and the two guards bust in. "No, wait we weren't done!" I rush to say. "Relax lady! We're doing you a favor! Besides dinner is ready for the inmates. You'll have another appointment in three days with this nut." The bulky guard speaks and drags Ed out.

I sigh and gather my things and head out of my office locking the door behind me. Most of the inmates are back in their cells, but some mysterious sounds come from below. From the looks on the map we don't have any cells down there and it should just be used as storage.

Don't do it (y/n). you could get hurt! Or even worse!

Don't be a wimp! This is the whole reason you're here! It's to help Bruce! It's to find the secrets!

I stand in the hallway near the elevator and steps contemplating my decisions. "Screw it." I huff and go down into the basement level using the stairs. I open the door lightly and see a dark hallway looking down the way a logo is painted onto the stone wall. Indian Hill?

Moving further down I hear footsteps behind me as I panic I find a hiding spot behind a trash can. Real creative! The footsteps come pass me and a young girl appears. All in black, a beanie with googles propped on her head. "Wait. Wait. Wait! Wait a minute! I know you! Oh! I know you!" I smile at myself and run after her quietly.

She slips into a room and I follow her. She looks at me as I hid under a table next to her own. "Pst. Hey! Cindy? No! Selina! Selina Kyle!" She looks at me wide-eyed! "You're alive? Geez! How hard did he hit you? What are you doing here?" I slide over to her and smile. "Good to see you too! Top secret actually." "Helping Bruce?" I look at her and she rolls her eyes. "Of course, you are. He can't ever stay out of anything."

"What are you doing here?" I ask her in a hushed voice. "My friend is here." "Here as in down here? Shouldn't she be upstairs?" Selina shakes her head. "She died, but I've been hearing some things." "Things like what?" I lean into her more. "Things like dead people being alive!" I shake my head in surprise. "Where did you hear something like that?" "That riddle guy. He's in the vents trying to escape." I shake my head in disappointment. "You've got to be kidding me!"

Footsteps pass the open door, but one familiar voice makes itself known. "Give us a minute, please." Strange says. "I think we can safely say Azrael has gone rogue." The voice of Ms. Peabody speaks. Who the heck is Azrael? "I'm not comfortable making that assumption just yet." "But it's been more than 24 hours since he's made contact." "Perhaps that's because Jim Gordon still breathes." My ears stand on ends as these processes in my mind. This Azrael has been sent to kill my father? I go to stand in defense, but Selina grabs my arm pulling me back down.

"What about the little one?" "Oh please. She won't be a problem. She still thinks she's all innocent. Let her ride out her tale for as long as she can." "And when she cracks?" Ms. Peabody asks. "Seems she'd make a nice little project. Let her mind boil." Strange laughs.

Their footsteps fade and more talk about transporting different projects to a new location continue. Projects? "Selina, we got to go! Now!" I try and pull her out, but she pulls her arm from my grasp. "No! I've got to find my friend. Go if you want, but I can't leave without her." Selina runs off and out of sight.

Don't do it. Don't you follow her!

"Damnit!" I curse myself and run after the girl

Such A Joker (Jerome x reader) ~ (Jeremiah x reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora