How About a Hike?

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"How are you feeling today, (Y/n)?" I huff moving around in my seat. "I'm okay. My father and I are getting along, but Lee is back in town so it won't be long now until he switches us over again. That man can't keep his attention span straight." "Does Lee upset you?" I nod smiling. "She's nice and everything, don't get me wrong, but when she comes around my dad just... forgets me." My therapist nods writing down notes.

"Do you have any other people you spend time with? Other than your father?" "Of course. Me and Babs go out quite often," "Ms. Kean I assume?" I nod. "I think you need to surround yourself with some more reliable individuals, (y/n)." I roll my eyes laughing.

I look to my left seeing a certain redhead plant himself in the empty seat making me jump up gasping. 

"Hey there, beautiful."

"Are you alright Ms. Gordon?" "Um, yeah. I just forgot I have to go. I am so sorry. I'm already late." She sighs. "We will just have to add extra time to your next appointment to make up for this." I nod running out the door and into the staircase. 

I stop to catch my breath, but once I look up I'm met with a pair of eyes. "Hey there, Dollface." I gasp falling on the step. "H-hi." "Don't worry, I'm not sticking around long. Things are changing again. I just want you to be ready, beautiful." I stand and look him in the face. 

"You're dead, Jerome." I walk through him and straight to Barbra's home.


"Oh good! You're just in time! Change!" She throws a green dress at me. "I'm not really feeling it, Babs." "Don't be boring. Now go."

Later into the night, we end up at the club watching another one of Jervis' shows. "I need a volunteer!" Jervis calls. Suddenly my wrist is raised into the air by Barbra. Jervis makes eye contact with me and smirks. "Ms. Gordon. Would you please accompany me on the stage?"

I make my way up to the stage and meet Jervis. "Good to see you again." I nod smiling.

"Are you ready Ms. Gordon?"  "I think so." I laugh nervously looking into the crowd. Jervis places his hands on my shoulders softly.  "Look into my eyes. Not around them, not above them, but into their center. Now sleep."

(y/n) falls limp into Jervis' arms. "Now, what would we like to see the lovely Miss Gordon do? Physical feats? A trip into her psyche? I think I got it. (Y/n)? When I count down from three, you will find me irresistible. You will be madly in love with me." The crowd laughs.

"Three two - one."

I open my eyes and lift my head from Jervis' chest. "(y/n)? Do you care for me?" I look up to view his face and only warmth is spread through me. I run my hands up his chest and to his shoulders. "Oh, yes." I purr to him.

The guest gasp and chuckle. "Do you love me?" I nod leaning up to get closer to him. "Very much."

"But what if I can't feel the same?" I pull away slightly looking up at him with sorrow. "What if I love another? I'm sorry, (Y/n), my dear, but-" I lunge forward and plant my lips upon his.

Jervis pulls away smirking wildly. "Three, two, one, awake."

I shake my head looking up at the crowd and bright lights. "She's quite the charmer, huh? We might even have to set up dinner sometime. Everyone, (y/n) Gordon!"


Months pass with unhappy thoughts. Jervis is caught doing damage in Gotham... Shocker... A fear drug came and went. My father left me to go kill Lee's husband on their wedding night... Better yet someone dressed up a pig and played a copycat killer.

I ended up being secured as completely sane and got my job back at the GCPD. They really are desperate.

I moved out of my father's place and now live on my own. I unlock my door walking inside my home feeling the stress of the day wash away. Little paws patter on the hardwood and Tippy comes trotting down the hall. "Hey, buddy!" I smile kneeling down and scratching his head.

"You want to go out? Huh? You want to go for a hike?" Tippy wags his tails and starts jumping against my legs.

I change into more configurable clothing and walk out of the apartment building with my dog.

I walk a long way out of the city and hit the path I have now become familiar with. I run up the hills and trails as Tippy sprints through the leaves. He picks up a stick and drops it in front of me. "Oh, you want to play? Go get it!" I throw the stick far into the trees sending his little figure flying on the ground.

I see him pick up the stick and run the opposite way from me. "No, Tippy!" I chase him yelling. "Tip! Stop!" I run in his direction and when he comes in view I stop hard on my toes.

A man is crouched down petting my dog. His face is pulled in a smile. I flip behind a tree hiding.

"Who do you belong too, cutie?"

No. It's not real. He's not real.

"(y/n) Gordon. Okay, hold still, little guy. Let me read this." seconds later my phone starts to blare out ringing amongst the trees.


"Hello?" He calls out.

"Damnit," I mutter before stepping out into view. He smiles and shuts his phone off. "(Y/n)?" I nod sighing and waiting for the punchline. "Yep."

He stares at me confused. "What?" "I-I'm sorry. You just look like someone I've met before." I nod huffing. "Yeah, I get that a lot." Tippy barks at him making me wonder if he's mad too.

"I do know you." I draw my eyes to meet his own. "You kissed me a few months ago. Then you told me to meet you somewhere. I'm sorry I didn't-" "Who are you?" He smiles and sticks out his hand. "Xandar." I grasped his hand feeling the warm skin.

How? He is real.

Reincarnation? Fate? Did he get pulled into witness protection?

"Mind asking why you were so admitted on kissing me? I've been trying to reason it." "I-I thought you were someone else." Xandar smiles looking down shyly. "Oh, well he is very lucky." I shake my head looking over his frame. He is identical to the T. "Yeah, but he's gone now." "Well, I'm very sorry he left. Maybe he will see how beautiful you are... I mean-" I shake my head smiling a bit. "No, it's not like that... I lost him... He was murdered." Xandar gasps looking into my eyes. "I'm so sorry for your loss." "It's alright. I have to live with it." Xander smiles at me.

I shiver to hold my arms closer to my body. "I don't live far. Would you like to have a cup of coffee or maybe a hot chocolate? In case you're not a coffee person, but you seem like you should... I'm going to stop now." He laughs a light blush growing to his cheeks.  I laugh smiling at him. "Sure why not. I don't have plans."

I follow Jerimiah down the wooded path to his home. Am I really going with a complete stranger right now?


"He looks like the off-brand version of me Doll! You have got to be kidding me!" Jerome's finger follows closely as Xandar and I speak. "Go away." I shew Jerome away behind us.

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