New Life

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This man who claims to be my father opens the doors and lets me walk into an apartment. I look around the place. It's small but I'm not complaining.

Later on into the night as I try and get settled a knock on the door occurs. Jim looks at me with wide eyes. Why is he scared?

He breathes and stands up going to the door. He grabs his gun and opens the door. I lean over and see a pretty blonde woman in the open doorway. "Hands up. Hands up!" Jim yells at her.

The woman simply rolls her eyes and follows his request. "Better?" She asks walking in with her hands up. "Face the wall." He tells her.

She looks at me and sighs. "Oh (y/n)! I was so worried! I thought you wouldn't wake up! I'm so happy you're okay! Coma's suck!" She cries with cheer and hugs me tightly.

I pull back and she notices my confusion. Jim sighs and looks at me with sadness. "Memory loss. Doctors say she might gain it back. Doesn't remember a thing. Not even me. Now, what are you doing here? You're supposed to be in Arkham." The woman giggles sweetly. "And you're supposed to be in Blackgate."

Jim closes the door. "I cleared my name. I'll ask you again. What are you doing here?" The woman sighs and puts her hands down. "I was released. Call them, you'll see. I'm telling the truth. It's what I do now." Jim scoffs "that's hard to believe."

I narrow my eyes at him and stand up. "I think she's telling the truth Jim- I mean dad. Sorry." The woman looks at me and hugs me again. "My names Barbara." "Do we know each other well?" She nods and smiles. "Better and anyone else." She replies making me smile.

Jim cocks his gun. "Set away from her. After the day I've had I have no problem shooting you." Barbara puts her hands up again. "Okay, I believe you. Look when I came out of the coma the memories I had were horrifying like waking up from a nightmare. The person who did those things that's not me." She says on the verge of tears. Jim looks at me and sighs. "(Y/n) I want you to go to your room. Don't come out until I tell you to sweetheart." I nod and follow his orders.

Jim Pov:
After I send (y/n) to her room Barbra looks at me. "She doesn't remember a thing? Not me? Not you? Not even Jerome? His death? Her running around with the maniax?" I shake my head. "And it's going to stay that way. She doesn't need to remember him. I don't want her to. She's back and with her memories or not I'm never letting her go again. She slipped away when we stopped seeing each other, and she fell deep into a dark hole. She's out now and I'm not letting her go back there." "Jim. She's got to know sometime. She looks at you like you're a stranger."

I scoff and lower my gun. "So they released you? Just like that?" "I mean, I had some issues to work through obviously, but yes I'm better Jim. I'm totally sane. I really am." I smile slightly. "I'm happy for you. Please go."

Barbra shakes her head. "You don't believe me do you?" "Frankly I don't care. I have more important things to worry about."

I walk and open the door for her to leave. "That's it?" "I have work to do."

She looks down at my open files on the table. "The lady. You're investigating the Wayne murder huh? I've heard of her. Do you think she's involved? Cause I could help you with this. I could spend some time with (y/n) and help her too!" I close the file. "No thanks."

I grab her arm and lead her out the door. "Okay well, maybe it was a mistake to come but listen at least to one more thing for me... could you say my name?" She stares at me with sad eyes. "Goodbye, Barbara," I say and shut the door. "(Y/n) honey you can come out now." She does as told and walks out as my perfect little girl.

Not a minute later Harvey starts banging on my door. I answer it and we instantly start discussing the Wayne murder. "Someone must know where she is. This whole city and no one's seen her? Impossible." (Y/n) says from her place on the couch reading.

Harvey snaps and smiles at her. "She gets it! Come on Jim! Come back to GCPD. Both of you! You'll have resources not to mention me. It'll be like old times." (Y/n) places her book down. "I worked with the police?" I smile and sit next to her wrapping my arm over her shoulder. "Sure did kido. Right under my wing. Training to be a directive, and you worked in forensics sometimes." She smiles and stands up joyfully. "Well let's do it!" "We can't. We'd have Captain Barnes looking over us. I need to be able to do things my way."

(Y/n) squints her eyes thinking. "I take it this guy doesn't like us much?" "Bingo girl. You two don't take too much time okay? I'm supposed to be training a rookie. It's like trying to teach a halibut how to put on socks." We laugh and I go over to the door to go out and look for this woman. "You're only taking a gun?" Harvey asks. "You need something a little more pal. Here." Harvey hands me some brass knuckles and another pistol.

As I open the door (y/n) hugs me. "Be careful." I kiss her head. "Always."

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